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Quiet Sl Freewheel.

Kieran Morrison

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Hey, noticed ever since my sl freewheel got water in it and i flushed it out with WD40, i have noticed it seems quieter, like it sounds reaally quiete. Might be just me, but would there be any way to make it louder?

Also the engagement... when i go to pedal the cranks turn about 1cm to engage with thbe freewheel, normal?


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Is it quieter, or just makes noise less often as you roll?

If the cranks travel far before you even engage on the pawls, sounds like some of the pawls aren't springing back properly so they're not engaging with the ratchet properly, effectively giving you less engagements, more distance between them

In a nutshell: Get somebody to open it up and give it a service (Y)

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GT85 or WD40 will clean the freewheel out, but it won't lube it. The springs are probably sticking because they are dry or are starting to rust. Flush it through again with the above then put some light oil in it (finish line wet chain lube is perfect). This might make it a bit quiter to start with but will make it run alot smoother and make it last longer.

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