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Little Dropbox Related Favour...


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Hey All,

I've been using Dropbox for yonks, it's an awesome way to keep your files accesible from anywhere and it's free and easy to use. Basically, anyone who gets referred by me gets extra free space, as well as me getting some extra free space too. I'm badly in need of extra space and want to keep from needing to pay as long as possible!

I seriously urge anyone who hasn't got it to hit this link and sign up. Once you download the Dropbox app you'll get extra space, as will I. I'm happy to talk you through cool ways of using it as well (remotely triggering downloads and stuff). Even if you don't end up using it I'll be a happy bunny, and surely people want that? :P

Cheers for anyone who clicks on this link and signs up (Y)

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The video persuaded me to join.

Seems pretty handy.

It's really really handy to me personally. Allows me to keep important files in one place I can get from anywhere, so for work it's all about putting presentations and stuff on there so I don't actually cart my computer about to meetings, just open up what I need when I'm there. For music wise, I leave certain VST and bits and pieces in certain folders to access from a studio wherever for the producer to get exactly what I want. Sharing wise, you can share whole folders with people you're working with and/or for.

The cool thing I personally love showing off about it though is setting my torrent program to watch a specific folder in my dropbox and automatically start the download when I drop a (completely legal, of course) torrent in there from my generic i preceeded device in the pub.

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How much storage do I get with the drop box by clicking your referral link?

It's an extra 250mb each for both of us, so you end up with 2.25gb - may as well, what with it being for no extra effort than going on the site yourself.

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So is the link you provided is from your profile on it, so it'll know it was you who referred us as soon as we sign up?

Yea that's it, and thanks to all the people who have already. Had about 6 or 7 come from here so very happy with that. Would love to have a few more though (Y)

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My other forums don't have nice people!

I'm considering making a load of fake email addresses just to get more space. :P

Yea I thought of that, but I think I dunno whether they'd be able to tell you were downloading to the same computer - whether by IP or some other check in the install script.

Still getting a few signups dribble through, I'm really grateful all, especially those of you who haven't even mentioned in here that you have (Y)

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