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Strange Clicky Noise Coming From Chain .... Please Help :(

Koxx Kock

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Just started riding trials again after having 3 years off and I'm trying to get my confidence back up. The problem I am having is that there is a strange clicking sound coming from the chain in 1 particular spot whenever I pedal round. I know I haven't got any stiff links but I have noticed that the it seems to happen when the split link goes round the rear cog and into my single speed tensioner. Also if I stand over the bike, lift the crank up and pedal down it always make a click sound without fail every time.

I am running a single speed set up with rohloff tensioner, large kmc cool chain and splined sprocket. Any help would be appreciated .... Thank you :)

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Large KMCs tend to not fit through Rohloff too great without modification.

If I was you I'd get a new KMC Z610HX chain from CRC or Tarty (bit more expensive on tarty) for £9.99 / ~£13, fit that and be done with it.

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If you've had a few years off, replace the whole chain and not just the split link. I didn't, I just lubed it up and carried on. This resulted in a 7 foot gap to face...

Ouch dude! Makes me cringe just thinking about stuff like that :/

Large KMCs tend to not fit through Rohloff too great without modification.

If I was you I'd get a new KMC Z610HX chain from CRC or Tarty (bit more expensive on tarty) for £9.99 / ~£13, fit that and be done with it.

Think a new chain would be wise but I'm just not sure how strong these KMC Z610HX are compared to the larger KMC Cool?

Edited by Koxx Kock
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