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Southampton/portsmouth Riders


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After a long 5 years out of riding i have got a new bike and im back in the swing of things! Got a lot of catching up to do as well, trials has evolved majorly! Everyone i used to ride with has grown up and stopped riding, so if theres anyone in the Southampton or Portsmouth area's that wants to go riding, drop me a message!


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After a long 5 years out of riding i have got a new bike and im back in the swing of things! Got a lot of catching up to do as well, trials has evolved majorly! Everyone i used to ride with has grown up and stopped riding, so if theres anyone in the Southampton or Portsmouth area's that wants to go riding, drop me a message!


There are about 7 of us in Worthing, which isn't far from Portsmouth if you can get down here.

Edited by dannytrialskid
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I am from Gosport, havnt actually purchased a bike yet but with birthday coming up in nov is seems like a good excuse. Though seems strange asking the girlfriend for a bike at age 21! Good to know there are some riders close to home though as all the lads i was riding with back in the day have stopped!

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