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Onza Zoot Broken


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Hey guys,

I've bought an Onza Zoot 2010 in February and the frame is already broken. I've sent an e-mail to Onza asking for a new frame but they didn't reply. Aren't they supposed to give me a new one because of the guarantee? The bike is half a year old only. What do I have to do to get a new frame without having to buy a new one?

Thanks :)

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You bought it in February, so six months are over. Important: After six months the burden of proof switches to the buyer, which isn´t making things easier for you now.

Warranty-law in the UK is very complicated - and there are a lot of misbelieves about this topic out there - I´m no specialist either, as I´m from abroad.

I latley had an argument about this topic on another forum which clearly showed me, why I should keep my trials life seperated from my life as a (in 3 months becoming - just to make clear) lawyer.

Don´t let someone fool you, but be correct - if the frame broke because it was your fault, deal with it, that happens.

If this wasn´t the case then at first read this article - which is very easy to understand, even if you are not one of this fancy suit wearing freaks. klick

Now it´s up to you to decide what to do, maybe you know a lawyer in your family who can give you more answers.

I´ll not chime in this maybe following discussing, as this is a kind of topic were lots of people have opinions or experiences ("but once this happend to me, so...") which they mix up to half-true conclusions about existing law and I have other things to do with my time than arguing about it - for example go riding. But i hope I could at least help a tiny little bit.

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The biggest thing with these matters is how professional you contact the manufactures.

They have the final say. If you act like a complete jerk they won't help you.

If you contacted them and were nice and professional about the topic,they most likely will contact you. Some places are busy so you don't get a reply straight away.

If after a few weeks still no reply,send it again.

If they still dont help you and they don't contact you.cut your losses, get a different brand. Use your word of mouth to inform others of your troubles and eventually people will avoid the brands.

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Don´t let someone fool you, but be correct - if the frame broke because it was your fault, deal with it, that happens.

If this wasn´t the case then at first read this article - which is very easy to understand, even if you are not one of this fancy suit wearing freaks. klick

The only 'problem' where trials comes in is in relation to this part of it:

How can I use this rule?

Reports of cases where shoppers have used the EU rule to get refunds suggest that even senior staff at stores may be unaware of it, so be prepared for some blank faces if you need to use it to argue your case. But eventually, after referring the complaint to legal teams, reports suggest the stores have coughed up.

Use this checklist to see if you could try and use the EU rule:

• The goods were purchased no longer than two years ago

• The store will not provide a refund or repair because you are returning the item after their return period has ended, usually one year

• You are reporting the fault within two months of discovering it

The goods show no signs of damage through your actions or misuse.

It's obviously worth fighting your corner, but if the frame's dented or 'abused' then it'll make it harder to get anything out of it.

Having said that though, that's just from my experience of dealing with this kind of issue. Apparently that experience isn't valid though, so there we are...

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sorry if no one has got back to you yet, I do not recieve all the e-mails but your warranty claim should be taken up with the dealership you bought it from.

Onza do not hold priorty with end users on warranty claims. Its like sending a warranty claim direct to Nike when you bought the goods from JJB. Nike probley made £5 on the sale where the dealer made £45 on the sale, Thus taking on the role of point of contact for any queries after purchase. I will check with the guys back at the office if they have heard anything but the point is you really should see the shop you bought it from. Like Mark stated earlier, If its dented or abused its un likley you will get a new frame FOC. I think you will find though that there will be a half price replacment available once you go through the correct channels. I will not disclose names or anything but one chap bought a second hand frame, Thought there was warranty on it, made up super ficial cracks on it, was turned down warranty by the dealer as it was second hand then some how got my number, Phoned me , claimed he had been told that it was under warranty. once the frame was sent back and no "cracks" were found he then actually said sorry for wasting our time and bought a new one. you see we get it all the time and it is really frustrating having to deal with things direct when the profit in the first place is swollowed up with the first postage cost.

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