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Full face helmets?


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Dunno if this belongs to trials chat or bike chat but anyway.

I'm looking at the 661 wired helmet and the Evo carbon camber.

My Dad managed to get the wired for 60 quid in a large but I can't find a medium anywhere that's under 115 quid. I stumbled upon the carbon camber which is 125 quid (down from 200).

I know it's a bit of a long shot, but does anyone have any experience with either helmet? Or which I should go for?

When I tried my dad's one on it felt a tad roomy which I assume is bad as it'll move about when riding. Also my hearing aids would fall off whenever I put it on/off anyone got any suggestions how to stop this? I thought of a sweatband but that may be too big. Maybe I could cut up a bit of a bandana? Or even a bit of buff I guess.

If you've got no experience of either helmet, but have tried/used full face before. What would you recommend?

I'll probably end up going for the carbon lid and fingers crossed it's worth the money, would be nice if some of you knew a thing or two rather than me going completely into the unknown though.

Oh and while we're at it, any suggestions for full body armor? I'd be inclined to get thigh/arse protection too I guess. Already got knee/elbow guards so would just need chest /shoulder/back and protective pants.

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Buff sounds like the best idea because it's not going to be too bulky, it won't make you sweat as much and also, weird as it sounds, the silky/shiny texture of it will help the helmet slip on to your head easier stopping your hearing aids from snagging.

I'm soooo far out of touch with full face helmets that I can't even remember the name of the one I used to wear!! But what I do remember is that you really want it to be a snug fit, there's nothing worse then a full face that's slopping around on your head. It's pretty dangerous especially if it flicks forward of a drop and covers your eyes!

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there's nothing worse then a full face that's slopping around on your head. It's pretty dangerous especially if it flicks forward of a drop and covers your eyes!

Good shout with the buff, will have to cut one up a tad then so it doesn't have about 15cm of loose material around the top doing nothing haha.

Hadn't thought of that... Will most likely be using goggles too so hopefully that helps it move around less too....

Here's the SixSixOne Evo Camber Carbon and the SixSixOne Evo Wired 2012

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