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Brakeless Build


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So, as the title suggests, I'm thinking of a Brakeless Build.

I'm obviously going to keep my Zoot how it is with Brakes, I just want something fun to mess around on throughout summer, and I've been thinking about a Brakeless Build rather than building a new BMX.

But I'm not entirely sure what I want, I'm torn on sizes, primarily I'm thinking 24" but I'm contemplating a 26"

I'm not entirely sure what I'd rather do on it either, don't know if I'd use it more like a BMX for street tricks and lines, or try trials stuff on it.

At the minute, I'm more pulled towards the BMX because I've already got a build in mind, and know what parts I'd get, etc. I'm also really wanting a freecoaster, which is another reason why I'm pulled more towards a BMX. But then, Brakeless trials looks so fun!

So opinions/thoughts would be appreciated, and possible suggestions and ideas for builds, please

Cheers guys!

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If you've got a Zoot already, I'd stick with either 24" or downsize to a BMX. You won't really gain anything from going up to a 26" for your other build apart from the hassle of having to get used to the different feel of the wheelsize when you swap bikes, but you will lose the whippy-ness of 24" wheels.

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