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tyre pressures


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Hi, just recently purchased a 09 onza rip. It came with some rubbish cheapo tyres on it (probably going to upgrade)

I'm interested to know what tyre pressure to run as I have no experience in this erea of mountian biking. I let out some air today whilst I was messing around, but I think I let out to much becase when I was balancing on pointy ledges, my tyre hit the rim. I only weigh 40kg, so I can't get any other guides because everyone else is heavier than me.

Thanks for all help given!

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Pump the tyres up until they're pretty firm and ride and just let a bit out at a time until you feel comfortable. I know some mod riders who have their tyres really soft so they squirm about a lot but I hate it so have mine quite firm.

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