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Grinding With A Dremel


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I just ground both sides of my rim with a dremel sanding attachment at the tip and it seems to have worked a treat, no slide at all with plazmatic pads.

Just wondering - Anyone else here use dremels to grind? It is very shallow but it seems to make the brake better so I think its alright :shifty: . Any comments on that?

And - Anybody else used plazmatic CRMs with a light grind? How long do the pads last usually?



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I just ground both sides of my rim with a dremel sanding attachment at the tip and it seems to have worked a treat, no slide at all with plazmatic pads.

Just wondering - Anyone else here use dremels to grind? It is very shallow but it seems to make the brake better so I think its alright  :shifty: . Any comments on that?

And - Anybody else used plazmatic CRMs with a light grind? How long do the pads last usually?



Yeh, I used my freinds a few weeks ago, made poo all difference. It gave wide cuts, and not deep at all, the very slight difference it did make, only lasted about an hour! :blink:

Ah well.

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I use a grind with plaz pads and its nice :blink:

Slightly less powerful in the dry but loads better in the wet since plaz are crap in the wet on smooth rims.

Dunno how long they will last since I have only been running a grind a few days.

Its a bit weird. Feels like its not going to lock but does lock - exceedingly well :shifty:

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I use a grind with plaz pads and its nice :(

Slightly less powerful in the dry but loads better in the wet since plaz are crap in the wet on smooth rims.

Dunno how long they will last since I have only been running a grind a few days.

Its a bit weird. Feels like its not going to lock but does lock - exceedingly well :shifty:

Yeah thats what mine feels like at the mo, not tried in the wet yet though..might have to just chuck some water on my rim and see what happens :blink: . As mine is done with a dremel though id imagine its a lot worse than an angle grinder. I just cant be bothered to take my wheel & tyre off and angle grind every so often :(

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I tried grinding tih a dremal it was terrible, dunno how you managed it, you can't beat the a proper angle grinder

I just did little lines vertical across the surface really close together and used the tip so they were quite thin. Seemed to have worked ill see how long it lasts!

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Noyce ill have to invest in an angle grinder then :( . And I did it because I dont have an angle grinder, and if I did I wouldnt be arsed to take my wheel off the frame and tyre off the wheel :( . Still a fairly good grind, ill try out an angle grinder soon!

Oh and a dremel is like a mini drill thing that you get various heads for (e.g. wire wool, sandpaper, blah blah blah!)

Edited by Nozmeister
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I used my dremel cos my dad didn't want me to destroy my new rim with the angle grinder :(

it was good for the first ride, but after that it just went back to a smooth rim again.

It is convenient though, as said above, no need to take the wheel or tyre off, but make sure you charge the battery up before hand as it does eat up the power :(

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