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Back Trouble


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Just been out riding a bit of natty and as i picked the front wheel up i felt a sort of tearing followed by a burning pain in my lower back on the left hand side. It still hurts like feck after about 2 hours and its quite painfull to walk. I also can't straighten my back properly because of the pain.

Just wondering if anyones had this sort of thing before and what if anything you did to ease it.

I'm not sure if stretching is a good idea really :(

I'm sure its not a hernia before anyone suggests that lol

Edited by nbr-chris
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i had that once, it was when i rode natural after riding only street for ages. it uses loads of different muscles bacuse you have to angle the bike downwards :)

i stopped riding for a bit and it cleared up, i saw the doctor, was of some use :P

if the pain continues then i would suggest you go and see a Mc. Timmoney chiropractor, really helped my back when i hurt it.(not for the same pain as youve described but it is good :( )


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I fell off my bike onto my bike a year or so ago and was in a lot of pain :P I couldn't even run.

I went to the chiropractor and after 5 vistites was back to normal and haven't had problems since :) just spend the mney and get it sorted properly instead of resting, it will only come back that way. :(

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I fell off my bike onto my bike a year or so ago and was in a lot of pain :P  I couldn't even run.

Umm, from bike to bike :P :P .

I've done the same thing to my shoulder before, but the muscle was torn in the end :P , only fell off the back of my brothers bike. At first it burned, then it was just pain :) . I'd say go to the doctors and get some deep heat (muscle ointment stuff, probably avaliable at chemist :( ) to rub on it :P .



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bought a t-rex frame about 2 months ago, was ok at first then i started getting severe back pains, so thought the frame may be a bit long for me, so went back to the ashton i rode before and my backs fine and dandy again :(


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I get back pain sometimes, when i ride all day my back aches pretty badly afterwards. I think its because im tall, and so more leverage is put through my back? :P Anyway, its probably to do with me caning my back a few weeks ago, i was pulling a simple manual down my road and my shoddy back brake didnt work, then bang! i was in serious pain. Im pretty sure everyone experiences back pain at some point whilst riding trials, its just the nature of the sport.

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Do people get it across the whole back of just one side, I normaly get it in my lower right side, think its because i am right foot forward. The aches come and go, drop off normaly does my back in but I cant resist sometimes. Never hurts at the time however.

Also about a year and half ago i was front hoppin backwards off a ledge and the brake slipped so i did a flip over the bars and came down on my back. Took me 10minutes to get off the floor let alone try and walk hoime.

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I've hurt my back in pretty much very way possaible.

I done my hip/whole back/neck in while learning how to back wheel.

That hurt a lot, I couldnt stand up, I just fell to the ground. I had to use the bike to walk.

I learnt a lesson that day.... not to ride by myself.

But just keep streching an use muslce stuff.

Marc :P

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I've had it between my shoulder blades and lower back for ages, started when i rode dh on my hardtail, went away while i only had the dh bike, now i ride some 4x and trials its back again.

I went to the doc's earlyer as i could barely move and it turned out i'd torn the muscle due to RSI.

I think i caused the first bit of damage 3 weeks ago in a crash and basically its just got worse. I've got to rest and go to a chiropracter (sp?) on Wednesday "for further analysis".

My mates are all on holiday next week aswell :P

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Back problem stopped me riding. After a ride my back would absolutely kill and the next morning would be really bad. I would struggle to bend over to pick things up etc sometimes it was that painfull. Even now after not riding for a few month if I have a quick go on a trials bike it comes straight back. It's bloody annoying as I really enjoyed riding but it caused me too much pain and in the end wasn't worth it.

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I have also had this back problem, its a very sharp pain down one side of your

back maybe even in the sholder area as well (Y) .

It seem to be fine now since i have built up my musels a bit, but when i did

have it i could also not turn or walk with out this pain

my mum said i kept pulling the musels in my lower back area after a weeks

rest it was fine again.

hope it gets better man :P .

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Prob something unrelated but I get a pain in my back and legs but I think I can putthat down to lopng periods of time not riding follwed by a whole days riding and muscles getting used to the work.

Also I get a sharp pain in the muscle above elbow on the inside (i m crap at naming muscles) it comes and goes.

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i done this before

dropped about 1ft and fell over with the pain as i landed my back gave way and i couldnt walk 100 yards after that i could not walk for 3 days after :D

it ocasionally comes back usually not as bad but has done it again since

i hate it having arthiritus (sp?) in my back


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