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Web Hosting Services?

The enchanted broomstick

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im a web designer for a company called easco, untill now their website was hosted by this neo-optic company and they charge some rediculous amount of money to maintain the site per month.

Im kicking them outta their job and need to find a new host for the website, i would prefer a good bandwidth limit with pretty fast server capabilities.

also fairly cheap, not uber cheap that its gonna be a poor service but not something like £100 a month.

any help will be greatly apreciated.

cheers, stu (Y)

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Good bandwidth aswell as fast server specification is'nt easy to come across. You could get a reseller account, but use it soley for yourself.

You could also get a dedicated server. You said nothing like £100 a month, so how about £60/70 a month? (Y)

Gets you bandwidth (1200GB) a decent(ish) server at 2.4ghz celeron with 1gb ram, aswell as a 80gb hard drive and operating system of your choice. servermatrix.com do some of the best.

As what i was looking for is probably quite different to your needs, i would recommend browsing webhostingtalk.com. One of the best forums on the subject.

Good luck, and take your time, i nearly rushed in to getting a managed.com server, then was informed of their poor network and after sales. So for your own sake, look around :)

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i forgot that we have two servers here  :">

might aswell use them for something i guess

Unless the servers in a datacentre with a decent uplink to the internet 'backbone' I wouldnt bother. However.. seeing as you work for a web design company, if theyre serious I assume they will already have their own dedicated server to host the sites they make on (Y)

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