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Just Got My New Phone!


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Cheap digital camera (FAR better than a shitty camera phone) - £60

Cheap phone with full phone and text capabilities - £10 for a Nokia 3310 or something similar.

Or you can spend hundreds on a phone that tries to be a camera, and fails miserably. Just my opinion (Y)

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Cheap digital camera (FAR better than a shitty camera phone) - £60

Cheap phone with full phone and text capabilities - £10 for a Nokia 3310 or something similar.

Or you can spend hundreds on a phone that tries to be a camera, and fails miserably.  Just my opinion  (Y)

Iv noticed form shitty camera to be really heavy on batterys! Iv got a 3.1mp cam and batterys last 10mins at a max!

And if you look in the right place, you can get camera phones for next to nout, anyway i dont want this to turnout into a bitching fight.

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My nokia 3310 outlasted any other "new" phone i know of to date.

Lasted nearly 4 years.

A phones a phone. To ring/text people.

I however have caved in, and am getting a colour/camera phone. However, basically 99% of phones these days have a camera, unless you go for a f**king ugly thing.

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Iv noticed form shitty camera to be really heavy on batterys! Iv got a 3.1mp cam and batterys last 10mins at a max!

Then there's something wrong. The batteries in my camera last ages. Are you using normal alkaline batteries? You should be using rechargeables - NiMH preferably, I think (Y)

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My nokia 3310 outlasted any other "new" phone i know of to date.

Lasted nearly 4 years.

A phones a phone. To ring/text people.

I however have caved in, and am getting a colour/camera phone. However, basically 99% of phones these days have a camera, unless you go for a f**king ugly thing.

The only reason I got rid of my 3310 is was because it randomly selected when it did and didn't receive texts, which isn't useful. Now I have a 6510...

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Cheap digital camera (FAR better than a shitty camera phone) - £60

Cheap phone with full phone and text capabilities - £10 for a Nokia 3310 or something similar.

Or you can spend hundreds on a phone that tries to be a camera, and fails miserably.  Just my opinion  :turned:

Thats true to an extent. But newer models are incorperating 1.5 megapixel cameras + full flash, and within a couple of generations of phone I'm sure they'll be on a par with cheap digi cams.

The thing is, is how often do you just walk around with your camera in your pocket? I have loads of pictures of my phone that are fantastic, not because their amazing quality (they're not) but because they're just of reallly funny spontatious things, I'd never have captered otherwise.

You could spend £10 on a cheapo phone yeah, but especially come the next gen of phones, you could spend more and have everything your ever likely to randomly need on the move in one package. After all, but the time you've paid for a cheap phone, a cheap MP3 player, and cheap camera, a cheap organiser etc etc you may as well just get it all at once in a phone, and carry only one thing around.

Your probably right about them not being worth it at the moment, because the technology is still a bit shakey, but I'm sure come the end of this year the new offerings will be of a good standard...

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I heard that all mobile phone manufacturers have the capability to incorportate top of the range features and make a super phone already, they just choose not to as it's bad business. The way they are at the moment nokia, samsung etc, will bring out a new camera every month or two thats slightly better than the old one because people WILL buy it.

If they just went, hmm f**k it, and brought out the 5mp camera phone, with 20gb storage for mp3's, full digital tv capabilities etc...They'd be able to sell it at extortionate prices, but it would no where near meet the amount of money they make by taking old hat technology that's cheap and brand it up as the next new amazing phone, which people fork out 200quid every half a year on, so they have a new phone that has a camera which is .1 of a mp better than their current one. (whoops, mega long sentance there)


edit: By the way, I've got a shit old nokia phone without a colour screen, no poly tones, nothing. I can't see half the screen as it's broken but I still manage to send texts call people etc on it, so why do I need something 10times as expensive?

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I heard that all mobile phone manufacturers have the capability to incorportate top of the range features and make a super phone already, they just choose not to as it's bad business. The way they are at the moment nokia, samsung etc, will bring out a new camera every month or two thats slightly better than the old one because people WILL buy it.

If they just went, hmm f**k it, and brought out the 5mp camera phone, with 20gb storage for mp3's, full digital tv capabilities etc...They'd be able to sell it at extortionate prices, but it would no where near meet the amount of money they make by taking old hat technology that's cheap and brand it up as the next new amazing phone, which people fork out 200quid every half a year on, so they have a new phone that has a camera which is .1 of a mp better than their current one. (whoops, mega long sentance there)

Thing is, thats true of almost ALL electrical goods. I mean, plasma TV's cost litrally nothing to make now, yet they are still sold at prices around £1500, and it's real OLD technology. The whole japanese / chinese / tiwan market is built like that. Hardly anything you buy in the UK, advertised as cutting edge or not, is anywhere near cutting edge in reality...

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The thing is, is how often do you just walk around with your camera in your pocket? I have loads of pictures of my phone that are fantastic, not because their amazing quality (they're not) but because they're just of reallly funny spontatious things, I'd never have captered otherwise.

Yeah, I agree with that. I use my phone's camera to take pictures of something I see that's amusing, or to send to people. I just don't like people using them seriously.

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