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Does anybody feel this is a little off, I've just found a trials site named, wait for it www.26twenty.tk, now I think this mabely a little close to www.26twenty.com. I've been using 26twenty for the past few years now and don't plan on stopping. I'm currently working on a new version and a new video featuring more trials as my brother is riding trials again instead of BMX.

Does anybody have any thought's on this, becasue to say the least I'm a little pist off!!!

And if the guy that choose the name reads this I'd like an explanation, if that's not to much to ask.


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Wooooow, i remember your site from err a long time ago. Neil used to be on there didn't he... think I've still got some of the vids somewhere.

Same thing happened to me a couple of years ago actually. I had biketrialsuk.tk but then biketrialsuk.com came along after... (think that were the addy - Jonny Jones' site i think) I changed my site after a couple of month anyway to ModStock UK... i had ModTrialsUK too... hmmm i've had alot of site's :(

Edited by CH!P
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Its possible he doesn't know, unlikely but possible...

My mate set up a team called NBR and i didn't know there was allready a trials NBR untill i started using this forum and had allready used it in my name so there is a chance its just a genuine mistake.

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Send the person and email telling him about your site, how long you've been going etc, and ask him nicely to change his name... This happend before to my friend i think or something like that. Someone just sent him a friendly email and it was all sorted.

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We're at www.royaltrials.co.uk, and there's now also a .com version. I doubt they copied it because royaltrials wasn't anything major... but it was Adams name long before anyone else.

Oh and another thing...

my brother is riding trials again instead of BMX.

Nooooo! He was awesome in "painted.mpg" and I was anticipating a sequal. Oh well.

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The guy who has made 26twenty.tk does know about 26twenty.com, and he said that you don't have it copyrighted so he is allowed to use that name.

I think he also passed comment on getting it copyrighted as-well, cheeky b*****d.

I found his topic HERE

Edited by RicH_87
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bunch of cheeky bas**rds!!!

thats completely out of order! reckon we need to take a trip to doncaster jim!! :("


cant believe they're bein so blatant about it and admitting to copying. Im sure the new site will kick the .tk's arses even more than it does now!!

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Yeah woody, definitely think we should take a trip up to Doncaster.

Yeah that's right we were in MBUK a while ago so that's proof that I've had the name for ages. And he's going to get it copyrighted, humm

Anything written is "automatically" covered under copyright laws... Meh. Just a bunch of kids with bad imagination

You're right Janson, in both counts, automatically covered and just a bunch of kids!!

The guy's name is James Richardson, I think, a little bird told me.

lol i no we found out there was a site the same after we made ours but, there is no copyright, but we will get some lol!

we will make the site better anyways

And I really don't think so!! You really should change the name, everybody knows that you copied it from me. Why bullshit!!!

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That site is pathetic :) its a small step up from freewebs templates and they havn't even taken the time to spell check it, I found some stupid mistakes I wouldn't have made since about year 2!

Just wondering what would happen if they were sad enough to copyright 26twenty? Surely Jim couldn't be told to take his site down when hes paying for it and has been before this free poo? And isn't www.26twenty.co.uk allready under some form of copyright from when you bought it?

A confused and angry James

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