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Acs Freewheel

sir trial a lot

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i bought a acs freewheel about a week ago as my dita was ream crackered. i fitted it and put everything back together and spun the wheel and it stopped after 1/4 of a turn. so i checked that the brakes werent rubbing and all was fine. so i checked that the part where the tool sits in wasnt catching the frame and it wasnt. and i decided 2 ride it for a while to see what happened and after 1 week of solid riding (about 40 hrs!) its still really stiff? >_< has anyone got any ideas as to go around this problem and solve it please? im in a really big pickle!


John (N)

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anybody? :unsure:

Take it back off, and spin the freewheel in your hands. If its ok, its somthing on your bike so put it back on and look realy hard to see what it is.

If you find it is the freewheel when you take it off, it could just be a dodgy one. Send it back.


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Take it off your bike, if it spins smooth your fine if it spins but keeps getting stuck either ring supercycles and tell them this is aceptable becuase its new or buy a new one there only cheap, When i rode with a dodgy ACS it suddenly locked up meaning i asnt going no where and hurt myslef quite badly. The best option is buy a profile

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cant afford a profile but anyway i have sorted the problem and nobody guessed it! it was the rear spindle bearing cups :"> they were too tight causing the wheel not to spin properly on the axle :"> anyway thanks for all the tips while i had this problem guys, even though none of your ideas were right thanks for trying and using your time to try and help me! CHEERS! ;)

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I had the same problem, everytime i got a new one fitted it would be stiff to pedal, and the cranks would not spin.

Then i relaised that the little lips to remove the freewheel were rubbing on my BB, and basically grinding it away.

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when you took it apart were there loads of really thin washers...all stuck together with grease to make one big one? If you lost one of them (silly thin..like a fraction of a mm) then when the lockring is put back on it will go on too far and make it stiff..

if you have lost it i can send you an old washer to try ;)


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anyway thanks for all the tips while i had this problem guys, even though none of your ideas were right thanks for trying and using your time to try and help me! CHEERS! ;)

well i think JT was on the ball....

Take it back off, and spin the freewheel in your hands. If its ok, its somthing on your bike so put it back on and look realy hard to see what it is.

then after doing what he says check if its your chain being too tight causing it not to spin as much, then i wouldve checked my wheel making sure cones werent too tight, then i wouldve checked BB and then if it wasnt any of them i'd go hmm....and take the freewheel apart and probably break it in the process then buy a new one :D"

but yeh i've had problems with my old wheel all the time with them going to tight and not making the wheel spin properly or being too loose...

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I've been having a proble with my ACS recently, I bought a 2nd hand rear wheel for my mod (which is fine) but it had a 12t fixed cog so i bought the guys ACS aswell.

anyway...after a ride 1mile out my village with some mates, it started making this horrible scrapey crunchy noise, i pedaled slowly so it wouldn't do it and it stopped.

We then took it apart to have a look at it and we found out that I snapped one of the springs. We put a new one in and i've tried putting it back together but I keep failing. (1st time trying to fix one).

Bloody annoying!

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