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Mr Dave

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i got a laptop about 3 years ago, its now dead and dont play cs.

therefore i am wanting a new laptop

dont really no where to look, so this is where u guys come in :P

dont wanna spend more than a grand.

needs to be able to play cs online and hl2 :P not like at 100fps :P but playable happly eg, 40fps

nothing else to say i dont think, just post up link for ones u find, and i shall be much appreciative and make you my new best friend :P :P

Thanks very much lads :huh:

Dave :P

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Does it need to be a lap top or would you settle for a shuttle?, Laptops are not the best for games such as cs and hl2 due to the fps demand. I recomend a shuttle or cube pc. If you really want a laptop, ne personaly would go for a hp one. If you want a high fps confic for cs give me a shout and ill send you one.

Cheers :huh:


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Trust me its gonna be a absolute bitch to get a laptop to do gaming with.

I have the following spec and i only get 40fps when im playing online dips down to 10 somtimes... shocking. Ive got everything set to low at the minute and when i play using 5 bots i get 70fps

dell inspiron 9100

3.2ghz pentium 4

1gb ram

ati radeon mobility 9700

uni 10mb connection

Loads of other bits (integrated wireless etc) but thats all the main stuff.. which set me back well over £1000. Simply not worth it id atleast go for a shuttle if your really sure its what you want.

Edited by Spacemunkee
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basically u aint gunna do it they are pretty crap laptops which use windows, kinda rule that goes is if you want a laptop you get a apple but seeing as they cant play cs or hl you are a bit buggered. laptops werent made for gaming and most definatly never will be.


EDIT: plus if you do buy a laptop dont get a hp they fill your comp full of crap, dont get ANYTHING from alienware you can get the exactly same spec for a much lower cost from anywhere else.

Edited by stav
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Trust me its gonna be a absolute bitch to get a laptop to do gaming with.

I have the following spec and i only get 40fps when im playing online dips down to 10 somtimes... shocking. Ive got everything set to low at the minute and when i play using 5 bots i get 70fps

dell inspiron 9100

3.2ghz pentium 4

1gb ram

ati radeon mobility 9700

uni 10mb connection

Loads of other bits (integrated wireless etc) but thats all the main stuff.. which set me back well over £1000. Simply not worth it id atleast go for a shuttle if your really sure its what you want.

click me

Is that pretty similar? :huh: (edit-top spec one, bottom right)

well thats under a grand :P

when you say 40fps, are you talking about cs and hl2?

40 fps is quite exceptable for me, as for the past few months ive been playing at 30 because my old desktop was not up to it :P

Dave :P

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click me

Is that pretty similar?  :huh:  (edit-top spec one, bottom right)

well thats under a grand  :P

when you say 40fps, are you talking about cs and hl2?

40 fps is quite exceptable for me, as for the past few months ive been playing at 30 because my old desktop was not up to it  :P

Dave  :P

yea thats probably the closest, the extra price on mine just comes in with the extras and widescreen, 1394 port and got some extra usb's put in and battery.

i was talkin about CS:S with my fps, on half life 2 it became unplayable once i got through to where your in the dune buggy due to the jerkyness but i read thats just because of graphics conflicts.

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If you wanna play games, you NEED a good graphics chipset. Even with a P4 3.2GHz, you're gonna be able to play CS:S well with a ATI 9700 chipset. If you can find a laptop with a 9800 or nVidia 6600GT or better, it'll probably be ok. Happy hunting :huh:

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definitely as tomm said. I spent so much money on my laptop since i knew within a year there would be games that it wouldnt be able to run properly if i went half hearted with it all. But even with the amount i spent it struggles with some of the new games :huh:

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cs souce! WOAH 40 fps on thats good, thats more than what i got on my old pc, and i played hl2 and cs 1.6 on that fine for ages....

humm, anyone that has a laptop to that spec wana ffind out how it plays 1.6 :P in low res btw.

tomm, i didnt rrealsie you could get gfx cards that good in laptops :huh: any tips on where too start looking ? :P

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tomm, i didnt rrealsie you could get gfx cards that good in laptops (Y) any tips on where too start looking ?  :(

I have no idea to be honest. But someone put a link to AlienWare earlier. They're way overpriced, but it proves you can get good graphics on a notebook.

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