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Trials Punk

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I'm about to do a newer version of www.ride-trials.com

I rushed this website wayyyy too much and its very ugly. So I'm going to make a simpler version.

What I need to know is how to I make the pages able to fit on the screen of everyones PC's at home. What I mean is on my computer its fine, on otheres you have to scroll left annd right to see the rest of the page. So how do I make it universal like this site for example.

Hope you can understand what i'm going on about.


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Use a "liquid" layout.

Instead of making widths exact 'px' references, make them percentages '%'.

If you have a left menu, make that exact, like 100px, then the right content box is 100%. You could even make the menu percent aswell.

You don't have to do this ofcourse, you could make the width of the whole site around 700px wide, and that should fit in 800x600 and above.

You could also use a div liquid layout, but their far from easy, but just incase you do wan't to try them.

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How do I use a liquid layout? I'm using frontpage if that helps.

As you've probabbly guessed i'm an utter idiot when it comes to anything technicall with computers.

I think the 'liquid layout' is using the % so it can change size? instead of being an exact size (pixels)

(could be totally wrong though)

I would say just resize the site so its 800x600 compatible, easiest way (Y) (I think)

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Get This

Download the free "trial" (Y)

after you have downloaded it, (of course) install it

Then after it's finished installing it will ask you if you have a serial number or if you want to run the free trial

click the one that says you have a serial number

then find one


Edited by Dan6061
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Nah use Dreamweaver, man. It's really easy once you get going. There are loads of tutorials kicking about. Just sit down, for like an hour or two, skim over them and you'll be away.

The liquid shit they're talking about makes so much more sense when you're in Dreamweaver cos it basically just tells you exactly what to do and where to do it.

Bottom line: Wanna make a good site? Use Dreamweaver. If not, FrontPage.

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just my easiest suggestion for you mate which helped when i was starting out building websites. Just right click you desktop background then go to properties click the settings tab at the top then change the screen resolution to 800*600 if you make your website to fit the entire screen of this then you have a website that will be "universal" as you called it simply change your resolution back which is probably to the more common 1024*768 then your done, the website will be made to fit the exact screen size of the less fortunate people with older computers.

hope that helped you a bit, stu (Y)

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