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Xbox 360


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No mention of HDD as standrad there though.

Sony’s let go of the final specs and shots of the PlayStation 3. Here you go!

    * It will support Blu-ray (obviously), DVD±R/W, CD-R/RW

    * Backwards compatible with the PlayStation 2 and original Playstation

    * One 3.2GHz Cell processor—total system performance rated at 2.18 teraflops (uh, that’s actually about twice what Microsoft is claiming the Xbox 360 will do); it will have 256MB system RAM 3.2GHz, and 256MB GDDR VRAM at 700MHz

    * The nVidia graphics will be called the RSX (”Reality Synthesizer”), and will trump the Xbox 360 with 1080p (yes, that’s a p) graphics support.

    * There will be a 2.5-inch hard drive (i.e. laptop hard drive) attachment—a first for a Sony launch (no, we don’t count the PSX and/or the FF add-on)

    * Memory Stick Duo slot, and very surprisingly, an SD and CF slots

    * Bluetooth support with up to seven wireless controllers

    * Six USB system ports



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Well worse news for xbox lover like me.

Microsoft are not sure if they are going to make the old games work on the new xbox.

They said they may backtrack with certain titles but didnt say much else.

Will edit in a sec with a quote!



I watched the entire xbox 360 E3 Press Conference and can confirm that xbox 360 will be fully backwards compatable. (Y)

As for the 360 Vs PS3 thing,

The 360 isn't as powerful on paper but the way both consoles have been presented so far and from previous experience i can say that if i choose to buy one of these it'll deffinatly be the xbox. The PS3 conference was basically some Japs spouting out 10 year old psone says statistics and boasting about their CURRENT range of titles. It's as-if they know they're beat and are trying to salvage something by relying on ther realitavly successful past. IMO the ps3 looks tacky. Its basically a ps2 on steroids thats been put through a mangle. The pad reminds me of the shitty sidewinder pc pads you used to be able to buy.

The xbox is aiming to make gaming a more comercial and sociable market. The first xbox was much much much better quality than the ps2, their service was great and their online capabilities and ease of use was unmatched.

Anyway, rambled on a bit too much,..

In the words of my brother looking at the ps3 specs: "i bet ps3 comes with a disc read error straight out of the box"

and juding by their past i wouldn't be suprised.

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