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Wheel Build Bodge


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How strong would my wheel be if i chose to build my profile (36h) onto the echo rim (32h)?

I know Craig done this bodge but woud tarty bikes be able to if I sent them the hub and rim ?

Ive already got the rim on my other wheel otherwise I would of bought a 36h rim.... so how strong would it be ?

Cheers Sam (Y)

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Just build it on a ronnie! i have my profile and Ronnie to be built up.  (Y)

Good strong rim, it just seems like alor of effort and it wont be as strong.

I already have the echo rim so I was seeing wether it would be worth it to use that, but obviously not :deej:

Ill have to save for a ronnie then :)

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I got a question..

Can I build a 32h hope into a 48h MadCow rim?


Thats pushing it too far.

I was going to build my 36 hole profiles onto 48 hole big city rims but dan said no.

And yeah dans wheel is fine I cant see any problems with it yet, he hasnt had to true it since he built the wheel which is a few months now.

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Sam just leave it and wait for your other rim, if you do what your planning on doing that its gonna have a mjor weak spot in your rim, plus its gonna cost you more in the long run to get the rim buildt again, just leave it and get another rim :lol:

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