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Trials Shack Closing


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Well most of us know, but for those that dont, Trials-Shack is closing. Such a shame as were gnna have no where decent to host videos. :'(

Engodideoofnsg is ok, sometimes, but others its like an amazing 0.00332bits per second.

Anybody know anywhere we can upload some videos to a half decent server?

Maybe we should start a charity to keep TS going?!


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Or even sponsorship. :'(

Only one company has bothered to reply, and they said no. I've had 3 offers to go halves, but that still means me paying out 50 a month, and however selfish this is, i don't want to pay that. 20 or maybe 30 i can stretch to, but not 50.

Meh, its been good.

Theres also a thread somewhere in Sites, Vids & Pics. :blink:

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Two words.

Direct debit.

Can't you setup some sort of direct debit thingy?

I'm happy to pay some dosh every month now i'm working, but like you said yourself it's no good people donating £5 one off.

Worth a thought?

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how much does the server cost exactly(if you don't mind me asking?)

it's just that it sounds like its costing you £2000 :-

surly its not that much a year..

i know the people of this young world just dont have the money

trials-shack should still be running.. without a doubt.. we all need it

but im sure sponsorship or just get some compays to advertise or something (Y)

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Well most of us know, but for those that dont, Trials-Shack is closing. Such a shame as were gnna have no where decent to host videos.  (Y)

Engodideoofnsg is ok, sometimes, but others its like an amazing 0.00332bits per second.

Anybody know anywhere we can upload some videos to a half decent server?

Maybe we should start a charity to keep TS going?!


You could always pay for your own server and not just expect someone to give you somewhere to host videos for free.

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how much does the server cost exactly(if you don't mind me asking?)

it's just that it sounds like its costing you £2000 :-

surly its not that much a year..

i know the people of this young world just dont have the money

trials-shack should still be running.. without a doubt.. we all need it

but im sure sponsorship or just get some compays to advertise or something (Y)

A year? Its around 800 a year. New server is around 1260 a year.

No JT!. Its already been considered.

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Just out of curiosity, why couldn't it happen?

Because no one would do it. Well, certainly not enough. You also can't just put donations onto a direct debit scheme, because then it isn't donations anymore. You would have to charge for services, which again, hardly anyone would do.

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What if you accept two of those offers to go halves, and you end up paying nothing?  (Y)"

Wahey!  :-

Thats what I was thinking. It could work if the companys were willing. There has to be something done though. Trials Shack is the dogs balls for vids.

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Simon, im sure you've deliberated on this, it's probably the same as JT's suggestion, but pay to download? If you think like a pound a download, when you were recieving how many hits a month? I only download about 8 videos a month and in winter, less due to the lack of riding by most, so I wouldn't have a problem with this. Maybe im just being an idiot.

The internet is the only way to get our sport out there though. Without trials-shack our sport just isn't going to be observed trials anymore as there is no way of observing it ;) I think someone like martyn ashton or someone could put in some money for up and coming riders? Ahh well....thanks for the service Simon (Y) top geez-ar and im sorry the dream had to end :(

James :-

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Because no one would do it. Well, certainly not enough. You also can't just put donations onto a direct debit scheme, because then it isn't donations anymore. You would have to charge for services, which again, hardly anyone would do.

...I would.

But yeah, the word dirct debit would scare people off.

Simon, im sure you've deliberated on this, it's probably the same as JT's suggestion, but pay to download? If you think like a pound a download, when you were recieving how many hits a month? I only download about 8 videos a month and in winter, less due to the lack of riding by most, so I wouldn't have a problem with this. Maybe im just being an idiot.

That wouldn't work becuase you have to pay. And no one want that, no even Simon i do belive.

Edited by JT!
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