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Complete Lack Of Respect


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Now I don't go around preteding to be perfect, as far as I'm concerned you seem alright, therefore no problem with you. So what if you sin, so do I, everyone who says they don't is lying. I only try to minimise my sins.

One of the things I don't get about religion as well is just that I don't need a book of rules to tell me how to live my life. Most of the rules are common sense, apart from the weird, contradictory shit like "Do not worship false idols" or however the crap they word it. Anyway, yeah, I try to make sure I don't f**k people around by murdering them, stealing their stuff, nailing their missus* or whatever. I just don't get the reliance on stuff like the Ten Commandments, which is a pretty fundamental pillar to the whole Bible (obviously the, er, "fake" version after it was translated into English).

*With exceptions :blink:

I only made writing big because sometimes people miss important things like the fact I'm not gonna be here and I'm not belittling the suffering of blacks, and that I feel very strongly that Andy isn't right.

Fair enough, I thought it was an NMC style "I'm shouting at you cyberly" sorta thing (Y)

Also I believe in G-d, but if you don't like that answer theres another one in my last post, and I can give you another one, abraham was displaced through violence, jews returned from egypt, displaced locals, they displaced us, we displaced them....... It goes on like that, as far as I'm concerned I want a safe Israel, I'd love to have a one state solution with Jews and arabs united. But I fear it will never happen. :lol:

Utopias never will, as they rely on people being innately good, which we simply aren't (again, no matter what holy books try and tell you we could've been, although the complete bollocks in the book of Genesis is another fun thing for another fun day...). Greed is omnipresent, and as such, it's just driving everyone. The Israelis want more land, as do the Palestinians, so there's a constant tit-for-tat battle that doesn't really show any signs of ending (Even though there seemed to be a possible conclusion after Arafat popped his clogs, although that kinda fizzled out...). That's Politics/Fundamentalism for you I guess.

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One of the things I don't get about religion as well is just that I don't need a book of rules to tell me how to live my life.  Most of the rules are common sense, apart from the weird, contradictory shit like "Do not worship false idols" or however the crap they word it.  Anyway, yeah, I try to make sure I don't f**k people around by murdering them, stealing their stuff, nailing their missus* or whatever.  I just don't get the reliance on stuff like the Ten Commandments, which is a pretty fundamental pillar to the whole Bible (obviously the, er, "fake" version after it was translated into English).

*With exceptions :blink:

Well best way of putting it is, yes the rules are common sense, but when they were written down they weren't.

Look at say a council estate, most of the young people have no real sense of right or wrong. Imagine 5000 odd years ago, even less moral sense, so they wrote the rules of social condust down and over time they've become common sense.

The first time man saw fire was it common sense not to put his hand in it?

Also the christian old testament is different from our torah, close but not the same, for example the christian interpretation of the ten commandments is different. But this does not mean its wrong. Hell in the chumash (sort of non holy copy of the torah) we have an english translation.

Fair enough, I thought it was an NMC style "I'm shouting at you cyberly" sorta thing (Y)

Humph *walks off in hissy fit* :o

I have been on this forum since 2001 and I have (metaphorically) raised my voice less than 3 times, I feel insulted. :lol:"

Utopias never will, as they rely on people being innately good, which we simply aren't (again, no matter what holy books try and tell you we could've been, although the complete bollocks in the book of Genesis is another fun thing for another fun day...).  Greed is omnipresent, and as such, it's just driving everyone.  The Israelis want more land, as do the Palestinians, so there's a constant tit-for-tat battle that doesn't really show any signs of ending (Even though there seemed to be a possible conclusion after Arafat popped his clogs, although that kinda fizzled out...).  That's Politics/Fundamentalism for you I guess.Ah you see, I do believe that people do have inherent goodness in them, deep down people are good and kind.

I know people who are thieving murderous bastards, but they still have a sort of f**ked up moral value system and it's impressive. It gives me hope.

EDIT The damn thing hates me.

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Why can't we Atheists have a heaven. It sucks. You guys know you're going somewhere, the emptyness I think is going to be after death is a true burden, I would rather know I was going to suffer eternal damnation than know there would be nothing.

I don't think it sucks, I much prefer to be realistic then to waste my life following someone elses instructions to ensure my place in an imaginary wonderland. I don't see how the emptyness is that much of a burden as you will not be concious to experience the emptyness anyway.

Suicide bombing is nothing to do with religion as such, there is no religion that encorages or condones murder (that I know of). People can very easily use their religious status to influence others though, as the whole system is based on absolute faith and trust, so if you're priest tells you enough times that a certain group is evil and a sure way to the after life is to blow them up its going to sink in after a while.

The way I see it the sooner the world starts to move away from religion the better, as it is just another way for people to seperate into individual groups and cause conflict with each other. You can see it in this thread "My god says this whereas yours says that....etc etc" They can't both be right, but neither person is going to compromise as they have to beleive their religion is the one that is correct.

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