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Time Travel

Gaz M

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Back to the black hole theory.........

A black hole is caused when a Red-Supergiant star becomes supernova and implodes due to a gravity collapse. (bit like if you had a gas cannester with -100psi in it then ruptured it, it would Suck stuff inward, not blow stuff outwards)

this causes an inward vaccum toward the center of the star, pulling everying in towards it. (i belive its due to negitave gravity)

it pulls with such force, nothing can escape it, except REEEALLY REEALY fast light (but not all light). and when it has run out of energy to pull, everything thats sucked in forms a Ultra dense dwarf star.... which is about half the size of the moon,made of some kind of metal and has more weight than all the planets in our solar system put togeather.

This is what i rember anyway.. might not be 100% right (the dwaf star bit) but i think its close.

So, if you want to be part of a really heavy lump of metal, then jump in a black hole... you wont travel through time though.


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Disclaimer: I'm not a scientist, I am however a sci-fi fan. This may be influnced somewhat by that :)

To me, what's more interesting than whether or not time travel is actually possible, is the ramifications if we accept for a minute that it is (in a sci-fi manner rather than a 'technically time travel' contemporary science manner).

This opens up a whole spectrum of interesting possibilities (often dealt with in a suitably in-graceful manner by cheap sci-fi). Allowing people the freedom to move through time means (at least for the purposes of my fantasies!) they also have the freedom to change things, which opens up the concept of multiple time lines, which is all great fun (and can also explain why we haven't come across time travellers from the future).

Trying to conceptualise the existence of infinite parallel universes is guaranteed to give you a headache. I always think of these things as a flat plain, with time and parallel-dimensions being the x and y axes. Trying to conceive it in a more 'realistic' manner than that muddles my head.

Of course, it's taking a bit of a jump looking into time travel and parallel universes when we've explored so little of our current time-line/time-period :)

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Did they go the speed of light? Or simulate it?

No, they just showed that in stuff going faster, time went slower. So they did a few loops of the world in a jet, and then compared the atomic clock to the one on the ground, and they were a few trillionths of a second out or something. I still don't understand this concept, I need someone to explain it to me in terms of "why".

As for imagining parallel dimensions thing - I think people try too hard to picture them as a fourth dimension next to your average xyz axes. It's not possible. You're never going to be able to create a model in your head of what extra dimensions will "look" like. Because even if they do exist, you won't be able to see them at the same time you can see in out current dimension. So just imagine them as something completely different.

As for time travel being impossible, I wouldn't want to say that. We are discovering new things every day. Who would have known about Penicillin until Fleming discovered it? All it takes is one amazing discovery :)

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No, they just showed that in stuff going faster, time went slower.  So they did a few loops of the world in a jet, and then compared the atomic clock to the one on the ground, and they were a few trillionths of a second out or something.

Could it not have been down to magnetisation and it pulling stuff out of place?

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You need to have zero mass to travel in time, and to do this you need to have signficant scientific breakthroughs in antigravitics to produce a super conductive propulsion unit to create a antigravitic field strong enough to remove the effects of gravity. This would theoretically allow you to travel at or near the speed of light in a vacuum eg. space, but i doubt it would be possible because there would be small dust particles etc. which would cause resistance. Another theorey involves the universe beinb folded in half, but thats fairly impossible if you ask me.

Also during the second world war the nazis were doing secret experiments in bunkers below the ground to find the affects of some odd radiation (can't remember the name) on time, and it was found that they could slow down time by fractions of milliseconds, also a result of this radiation was the death of scientists.

This is mostly from a book called the hunt for zero point by nick cook a journalist for janes.

Edited by ZeroMatt
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The John Titor Incident

Another Site With Some Info

Also if you google "John Titor" you will find loads of web pages about it.

Basically someone posted on a busy forum in 2000 claiming to be a soldier from 2036 that had been sent back in time to 1975 to get an IBM 5100 computer required to de-bug a massive problem in 2036. He then travelled forward in time to 2000 to meet his family and himself as a baby, 'stayed' for 5 months then went back to 2036 with the IBM computer.

The wierd thing is that in his posts back in 2000 he mentioned a number of things that have now happened E.g. Mad Cow disease, aswell as a few things that will supposedly happen in the future...

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A genuine soldier wouldn't have posted on the internet, but would have tried to blend in without being noticed, and wouldn't have made himself public. After all what is the purpose in that, unless he was going to tell us to do something to change the course of the future, but he didnt as it can't be.

Sounds like a bit of a conspirasist (possible new word).

Edit: Just reading that article, it is fairly interesting, althought very mysterious. I guess we'll have to wait and see if there is an American civil war, although I'd be suprised as they all seem pretty united with the "God bless America" stuff. Don't think there was any conflict with all the bombing Iraq between the public and government.

Who knows

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A genuine soldier wouldn't have posted on the internet, but would have tried to blend in without being noticed, and wouldn't have made himself public. After all what is the purpose in that, unless he was going to tell us to do something to change the course of the future, but he didnt as it can't be.

Sounds like a bit of a conspiritor (is the word).

Who knows

anyways I really like the john titor thing... dont really belive it but its really cool to read all the stuff.

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time travel isn't possible...now, we don't have the technology and as of Mr Einstein, genius yes. but his thoeries will probably be proven wrong in 50/100 years time (or maybe tomorrow)

for time travel to be possible, i think you have a believe that that isn't linear - what i mean is that the future HAS happened we just haven't got there yet. thats just me speaking from this point in time, but yesterday i had already made this post in the future.

and who's to say that time travel hasn't happened in the future already - i suspect that it won't be something thats freely available like TV or internet is today. And there will be strict laws controlling it. Also if you think about it, Jesus, all his miricles would be fairly simple to do with todays technology - no saying this is what i think, but...

and if some one went back in time and changed something , we wouldn't noctice now, because it would have happened.


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the philadelphia experiment was where they passed huge amounts of electric cuyrrent through a batlleship , and loads of the soldiers mutated (Y)

I can imagine some good sci fi films being made from some of these stories (Y)

The idea of the speed of light being the fastest speed anything can go is already being disproved by the existance of atoms that communicate with each other at speeds ten times the speed of light, but no one knows how.

The e=mc^2 theory is not taken as correct anymore anyway, because for light to be energy, it needs mass, but if it has mass, the theory doesnt work. The idea of light travelling in waves (quantum theory) also has some ideas to nudge physicists away from the e=mc^2 theory.

It is possible, but a very light sustainable fuel needs to be found. As you speed up, you gain mass, meaning you need more powerful engines to keep you accelerating, and then you gain more mass, and need bigger engines, etc. It can quite easily be worked out, and has been, as to how big the engines need to be to power somone theoretically upto and beyond the speed of light, but the problem the suffer is the fuel, and where to put it. To power the engines, the fuel needs to be so huge that the engines need to be bigger to shift the extra mass, which means they need more fuel to power them, and it just goes into a vicious circle. The idea of using solar winds and slingshotting around space material is being tested as a fuelless way to achieve speed.

Interesting stuff! :)

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I can imagine some good sci fi films being made from some of these stories  (Y)

The idea of the speed of light being the fastest speed anything can go is already being disproved by the existance of atoms that communicate with each other at speeds ten times the speed of light, but no one knows how.

The e=mc^2 theory is not taken as correct anymore anyway, because for light to be energy, it needs mass, but if it has mass, the theory doesnt work. The idea of light travelling in waves (quantum theory) also has some ideas to nudge physicists away from the e=mc^2 theory.

It is possible, but a very light sustainable fuel needs to be found. As you speed up, you gain mass, meaning you need more powerful engines to keep you accelerating, and then you gain more mass, and need bigger engines, etc. It can quite easily be worked out, and has been, as to how big the engines need to be to power somone theoretically upto and beyond the speed of light, but the problem the suffer is the fuel, and where to put it. To power the engines, the fuel needs to be so huge that the engines need to be bigger to shift the extra mass, which means they need more fuel to power them, and it just goes into a vicious circle. The idea of using solar winds and slingshotting around space material is being tested as a fuelless way to achieve speed.

Interesting stuff!  :)

warp drives like in star trek - we already have the sliding doors!!! so not far yet (Y)

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The idea of the speed of light being the fastest speed anything can go is already being disproved by the existance of atoms that communicate with each other at speeds ten times the speed of light, but no one knows how.

The e=mc^2 theory is not taken as correct anymore anyway, because for light to be energy, it needs mass, but if it has mass, the theory doesnt work. The idea of light travelling in waves (quantum theory) also has some ideas to nudge physicists away from the e=mc^2 theory.

Correction, light has no rest mass, it has mass or else the equation E=mc^2 would be untrue as you say.

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