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T-lite Frame.


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hi guys

just wondering if the t-lite frame is any good , im not an amzingly good rider so i dont think ill break it :(" so does it ride nice?is it actually lite , .

anyone got a review on it if anyone out there has one , which im sure someone does.

thanks guys


edit:just looked on supercycles there selling the frame kit for 290 which is cheaper than the t-lite frame , so is the t-mag any good?

Edited by mini MAN
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I gots one. Love the long front end feel to it. Very short, very short stays. Very 'monty' feel. Seem to be holding out. Excellent for natural.

Go for it. :wink2:"

Edited by JT!
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The T-Lite's basically the same length as the X-Lite 221. It shares pretty similar geometry.

I couldn't really stand my "regular" T-Lite; it just didn't do what I wanted it to do. Upping made me feel really limited on it, and it just wasn't really what I was looking for in a frame. I managed to blag a T-Lite Long (one of the very few ever made, none left for sale), and it was OK at first, but I wasn't super keen on it. I then arranged to PX it for another frame, went out for the last few rides on it and loved it. Gutted I sold it now, 'specially seeing as I f**ked myself over with the deal I gave Will (Y)

But yeah, if you like the Monty-style geometry, it should be cool. Plus, if you're dinky as your name suggests it might fit you pretty well :wink2:

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  • 2 weeks later...
That's gonna be an uber bunnyhop machine! hehe

Flicky as owt, will suit you I reckon Alex, nice and light and flicky :D.

Hope it does you proud.

Haha, yeah, mine was like that... FallGuy forks (w/spacer under stem), T-Master stem, Pazzaz CF risers. Front end approx. higher than a transit. Felt soooooooo good though, won't *ever* go back to the low front end shit no matter how cool it comes/how much I get shouted at for not being UCI or what-the-f**k-ever :(

Should ride nice. Probably take a few days to get used to backwheeling after the T-Pro (I believe you had before?). Back ends a bit shorter, so it feels like you're looping out more.

Then, it'll feel absolutely perfect, but you'll have already sorted out someone who's having the frame off you, then it'll feel even better, then you'll be posting it away (Y)


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Haha, yeah, mine was like that... FallGuy forks (w/spacer under stem), T-Master stem, Pazzaz CF risers.  Front end approx. higher than a transit.  Felt soooooooo good though, won't *ever* go back to the low front end shit no matter how cool it comes/how much I get shouted at for not being UCI or what-the-f**k-ever (Y)

Nah, it'll all come full circle. You mark my words. Someone will come on TF and say they cracked their UCI, and then everyone will go and check. Then they will find out that they have also cracked their UCI. In one night, UCI will be so unfashionable, no-one will touch it with a 10ft Vinco pole.

Jesus, I'm in a weird mood tonight. Time to curb this shit and go to bed!

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Nah, it'll all come full circle.  You mark my words.  Someone will come on TF and say they cracked their UCI, and then everyone will go and check.  Then they will find out that they have also cracked their UCI.  In one night, UCI will be so unfashionable, no-one will touch it with a 10ft Vinco pole.

Jesus, I'm in a weird mood tonight.  Time to curb this shit and go to bed!

When people need stepladders to reach their BB's to change them, I think you'll find (Y)

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Haha, yeah, mine was like that... FallGuy forks (w/spacer under stem), T-Master stem, Pazzaz CF risers.  Front end approx. higher than a transit.  Felt soooooooo good though, won't *ever* go back to the low front end shit no matter how cool it comes/how much I get shouted at for not being UCI or what-the-f**k-ever :(

Should ride nice.  Probably take a few days to get used to backwheeling after the T-Pro (I believe you had before?).  Back ends a bit shorter, so it feels like you're looping out more.

Then, it'll feel absolutely perfect, but you'll have already sorted out someone who's having the frame off you, then it'll feel even better, then you'll be posting it away (Y)


stop going on about that mark!

making me feel guilty :">


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