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Little Video!


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Hi guys!

I just quickly made a small (2 megabyte) video of me hopping about in my bike yard.

Its only a small yard so there is nothing exciting, no drops, gaps or spins!

My mum filmed it on my digital camera for me. I will make a better, longer video soon (my g/f said she will film me somewhere) but what do you think?

I have only been riding trials since I got my Leeson 6 days ago - - previously I rode downhill on a Santa Cruz Bullit until about 3.5 years ago, and I only started riding that again this easter but realised trials was for me (no transport anymore since my dad died , thats why I stopped riding originally)

Oh, and the music is my own, comments on that are welcome to!

Looking forward to any tips/ constuctive criticism on my hopping!

The video

Thanks (Y)


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Thanks for the comments (Y) Daahnihillaaaa, your post made me laugh!

Im not as quick at learning as some of you seem to think though - I used to ride DH/dirt jump a few years ago so I had some *skill* controlling the bike....hmmm... maybe (Y) , lol.


Thats me on my old Santa Cruz a few years ago down the local jumpspot.

Any ideas where I can get some pallets from anyone? (Y)



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nice little vid mate, your comin on nicely. well done!

George j


Aust, I have a garden course with pallets, tyres and logs in, may be getting acess to sleepers but not sure what to do/ build with them, any chance of some pics of your course?

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Thanks guys,

One of my friends dads works in an industrial estate, maybe I should go "visit" there at somepoint (Y) Or even better if I ask nicely he might be able to get some for me...

Hi Henrat, no Im not actually from York, I live not too far from Chester but Im studying at York. (Y) Ill be in my second year when I go back in october. Ill be living off campus, not too far from the uni, whats the trials scene like there?

The jumpspot in the pictures is a place we called "The Sandies" and its in Hawarden in North Wales. I think iits been flattened now though, Ill have to ask around!


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Trials scene pretty much sucks in York... Good job I just got back to Liverpool, 3rd year at uni starting now! There are some good places in York though, check out that Yorkbiketrials website, never met the guys on it but they are good riders!

Good places to go are near Cliffords tower and the Crown Court, a little are covered with walls and benches by Argos by the river, Clifton Moor has miles of rocks lined up by the sides of the road... The centre is always to busy to go riding unless you go so early in the morning or night. Ill give you a shout sometime when I'm back!


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