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Video by Peter L.

peter l

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hahaha no way, you kill me everytime i see you ride that red bike. how the hell do you do all those spins and stuff on it :ermm:

lovin that mate, good stuff :P

and dude above, i think you're after 'house of pain - jump around' (always reminds me of mrs doubtfire when i play it). (Y)

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I dont know what to think of this vid..... I liked some of it, but there are some VERY petty things I dont like.

I like your riding, very bmxy but you still go and ride natual, good on you!

Quite a lot of the things in the vid is stuff that I wanna do but my bike isnt suitable. I wanna do all the spinny suff, manuals, fufanus etc.

The stuff I dont like is just me being petty, but it just annoys me. I HATE it when riders have their hands inboard of the bar ends, so you can see the bar sticking out. That aggrivates me highly. Also your clothes, have you grown out of them or somthing? They look waaay too small for you. (I told you I was being petty)

Finally, the video quality was poor, it was hard to get a clear picture of what you were doing, it was mainly the jerkiness that did it.

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I HATE it when riders have their hands inboard of the bar ends, so you can see the bar sticking out. That aggrivates me highly. Also your clothes, have you grown out of them or somthing? They look waaay too small for you. (I told you I was being petty)

I think the way he holds the bars comes from his BMX riding, seems fair enough to me, each to their own. However, the comment about his clothes, bloody harsh. Sorry, I just thought it wasnt needed Ali mate (Y)

I actually love this guy, I spotted a few bmxy tricks ive been trying, he does them well, very well in fact! Loved the video, but yea, the frames per second aspect needs work?

Keep them coming though, dont stop!!


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