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Trials Comps


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Alright heres the thing. I am 19 yrs old have just got back into trials. Hopefully in the next few months I'd like to start entering comps. Only thing is as I am 19 would I have to start in a higher category because of my age? I ride mod if that helps. I dont mind either UCI or BIU.

I don't mind be completly shamed by a couple of 13yr olds but would even think of entering the higher categories with the like of benito etc.

Any help would be much appreciated.

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no not at all in BIU at club level you could enter what ever category you wanted apart from beginner i think.

at british it may go on age (26" only 2 categories) UCI is similar more set on age i think.

you can literally choose what you want to do trials is an open thing apart from the "bigger" competitions where as you have to be more related into age category at local club competitions you can literally do what you wish and what your comfortable with.


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Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.........thats nearly as far away from me as poss :( lol.......

altho you will probably have some nice rock riding down by you????on the white cliffes of dover???:D

whats the street like down there buddy????


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Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.........thats nearly as far away from me as poss :( lol.......

altho you will probably have some nice rock riding down by you????on the white cliffes of dover???:D

whats the street like down there buddy????


Maidstone isn't too bad if you know where to look. Plenty of lines where you wouldn't normally find them. As I am still getting back into trials, so spend most of the time on pallets in the garden. Benefits of own place with big garden!

There is some good natural again if you know where to look for it. Plus there is penshurst nearby which is great for natural, plus not just trials its DH/Slalom, BMX / Jump XC. It's really not too shabby.

Anything decent up there by you?

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Hey man

I live in lydd, which isnt that far away from maidstone.

Would you want to meet up for a ride one day?? maybe go to folkstone or somewhere from a street ride??

Or go some where and ride some proper stuff, natural!! :D :D

What bike have you got??

How long did you ride for before you stoped?? and how long you been back into it??

Hope to hear from you soon

Laterzz man(Y):(

Scott w

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Hey man

I live in lydd, which isnt that far away from maidstone.

Would you want to meet up for a ride one day?? maybe go to folkstone or somewhere from a street ride??

Or go some where and ride some proper stuff, natural!! :blink: ;)

What bike have you got??

How long did you ride for before you stoped?? and how long you been back into it??

Hope to hear from you soon

Laterzz man(Y)(Y)

Scott w

Hey Scott.

Yeah that should be good sometime. I was riding trials from when I was 12 - 15. Only just got back into it last month when I got myself a new T-pro to mess around on. I'm still getting back into things so not too great, but I gotta keep practising I'll get there! How long you been riding?

Edited by zanneslover
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