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Onza T-rex 05


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Hi, I have a T-rex, original spec. Its my first real trials specific bike and I'm having lots of fun, easy on the back wheel, even learnt to pedal hop, all good. (except answering the "what is that bike question", every day :turned: )

BUT, there's not a chance in hell I'm bunnyhopping this thing and side hops feel a little weird, I find these easy on my dirt bike! I just feel like I'm over the front to much or is that, my arms are to far forward ??....when on two wheels.

Also, I tried to show some kid how to un-weight the back-end not using the front brake (endo-like!)....and nothing happend??

So should I change the bar and stem to or more traditional mtb riser bar style with a shorter stem or will this just change the bike completely? (Onza 100mm stem / Onza trials bars)

I do love my bike but bunny hops would be nice! :P

Hope that didn't sound like a moan......Thanks!

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you'll find that with these long, competition style frames that when you are cycling along all of your weight is on your arms. i find that once i am up on the back wheel it becomes really light on the front and will sit on the back wheel quite happily. you just need to get used to muscling the front up at first. life is much easier once your front wheel is up on the balancing point.

as for your sidehops, if you are lowering your front wheel quite low, it will feel like it is hard to get the front wheel nice and high to get it up on to the object you are wanting to sidehop onto. ive found that instead of lowering the front wheel right down i just bend my legs into it more and get all of my lift from there.

i think you should try and get used to your set up beacuse shorter stems etc will just make it worse on the back wheel. just play about on the bike until you are happy with it. if you cant get used to it then you should think about changing parts around. hope this helps.


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hey mate what bar and stem have you got, when i first got my t-rex i had the hi rise stem and some flat bars, and i could bunny hop that bout 30inch i spose, but now i got a 100mm low stem with onza carbon bars i cant bunny hop it, but wheeliehop it just as high

i know this probly wont help sorry (Y)

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I am riding a t-rex and after a dirt bike your trials bike will feel weird, especially one with comp geometry like the t rex. I run a zoo bar and stem with no spacers at all and fatty r forks so my front end is pretty low. I am 6ft2 and dont have any back problems and it feels nice for everything, easy to pull up onto the backwheel, sidehop, touchhop, backwheel, wheelswap etc etc. Keep riding it regularly and see if you get used to the feel of it, if you dont buy some riser bars (like the zoo's or onza carbon risers) and try it then. (Y)

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Thanks guys, I wasn't trying to moan about the comp style set-up, although after a ride to town and back my hands are stinging. I love my bike though and appreciate what its doing for my progresion! (Y)

Maybe the bunny hop teqnique is more `egsadurated` (spell check broke) on a trials bike? I am takling about a rolling `american` style bunnyhop?? Maybe to a stall? (Y)

I will stick with it for a while before laying down any cash.

When I said sidehop I meant sideDROP....sorry! Sitting here now it seems easy in my head.....ah forget that move, 90 degre drop off instead!

Thanks again, anyone got any more tips on bunnyhops (although I can do them on a dirt bike (Y) )...feel free to post!


Oh and in the future what frame/geometry should I be looking for? I don't really know what geo the T-rex is? Based my purchase of bike on parts/looks/Respectible Company!

I bumped into a friend riding a Pashley??, I remember it feeling `compact`.....whats out there?

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to be honest i dont think many people can bunnyhop these frames to well. it is difficult to do and you have really got to exagerate the move and pull up really hard.

in the future you could look at frames such as a base TA26. these are frames which are more suited to a street style and can be bunnyhopped and generally thrown about more easily.

the wheelbase on the comp style bikes is usually around 1080 and sometimes even longer. a street style frame would be around a 1040-1065.

also the comp style frames have a raised bottom bracket which puts even more weight over your bars. this is done for beter ground clearance on rocks and apparantly makes the bike better on the back wheel.

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