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Pedalling Up


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I don't think ratios really matter that much to be honest. You'll get used to whatever gear you're using. If you are using an "easier" gear, you have to move the pedals further to go anywhere, so you are using the same amount of energy anyway (Energy = Force x Distance). Just use what you like :$

Nafan I was giving you some advice. Learn to bunny hop to back wheel and you'll be set. If you can't get the front up enough, practise on curbs. It's just a case of getting used to pulling the front up more.

Yeah thanks man, I will keep practising, I did it once or twice but only using a tap to get up my front end (shit scary B) )

Thanks again everyone,

Nathan :P ;)

PS: I got my 18-16 set-up ready and got up the wall well easy :P

Aiming to be getting up waist height for next year when I go to Cromer and Wales with my mate (hopefully) B)

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Yeah thanks man, I will keep practising, I did it once or twice but only using a tap to get up my front end (shit scary :o )

Thanks again everyone,

Nathan :P(Y)

PS: I got my 18-16 set-up ready and got up the wall well easy :D

Aiming to be getting up waist height for next year when I go to Cromer and Wales with my mate (hopefully) (Y)

Thanks for the thread...

Just got back to 18/15 ratio (=1.2) to give it a try... much easier than the 18/13 ratio I was running before, or the 16/11 (=1.45) before that.

And somehow, yes.. I can feel more the techniques taking place, with less brute force into the moves... (Y)

I am a new born trialist :P

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I just don't think you should rely on the pedal. If you are doing stuff from static, you are basically just doing two footed jump, just with a bike between your legs. Adding a stiff gear for static stuff just makes it harder work for you. Perhaps it's a riding style difference?

yes, you have a bike between your legs and jumping, but normally you jump and you dont have extra weight to shift around,whereas the gearing helps you get the extra shove you need to lift the bike up/over :)


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