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New Kot Ms2


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I finally got myself a new back brake (hope mini) and was able to ride my KOT MS2 today. It's quite a change from my Orange Zero. I can see why everyone seems to be changing to side hopping from the backwheel instead of two wheels - it just seems to be at it's happiest when on the back wheel! You can pretty much just sit it there forever.

I've only ridden it for a few hours but I'm mostly used to it now. And thankfully I can still do all my favourite spins and tricks (which was one of my main concerns). It's still going to take a little getting used to and I think it is going to change my riding style a little. At the moment it seems superior for EVERYTHING except 180's over gaps and that is because of my stem.

I've got a 110mm stem with very little rise on it. It feels like I'm hunched down the whole time making anything that starts from two wheels very tricky. It's making tap to back wheels a little harder too. Strangely, the bigger taps I haven't got as much of a problem with, it's tapping on smaller objects. And I can't seem to pull up in to a manual either!! Can anyone recommend a good stem for my oversized handlebars?

Generally speaking though, I'm uber chuffed with the frame and I can't wait to test it some more. I was so excited this morning I went out riding for 4 hours without eating a single thing (feeling it now!).

Now let's see how things are 2 months down the line :D

Edited by Spode
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I was fairly sure it was +35. I have the shorter 1060 version. I was on 1010 before and the difference is noticable, it's a lot more stable for things such as riding on to thin walls.

I don't think the stem needs to be any longer. I think a little more stem rise might help though, but the jump from what I have seems quite large. I adjusted the handle bars a little which has helped a LOT, although pulling in to a manual is still almost impossible. I went for a second ride this evening and had some great fun :D Although my back brake still isn't bedded in and I really need a new rotor, so It was slipping through occasionally which caused a minor accident involving myself hopping backwards over a gap.

I'll get some pictures tomorrow. Although it's going to look nicer when my new El Gato arrives. I have a Michelin on the front and it looks really ugly (not a big fan of the tyre either). I'll have El Gato's front and rear which I think will look a lot nicer :D

I think I'm going to get an 18 tooth sprocket for the rear as well to run 20/18 instead of the 20/19. After my brief play with 22/19 I've decided that although 22/19 is FAR too stiff for my style of riding, a little extra oomph is nice for certain moves :)

One that does annoy me, is the frame has www.tartybikes.co.uk written on the frame in several locations. I don't know if that is how TB ships it, or if the previous owner (Alex Pavlou) put those on, but I prefer the simpler look with few stickers as possible. I'm tempted to try and remove them, but I don't want to scratch the frame and I'm not sure if they are stickers some other attachment.

Nothing against tartybikes mind you, they seem like nice guys and have helped me out a fair bit already!

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the tartybikes stickers come off pretty easily, just peel them off carefully, and clean the frame off, because there will be a little glue residue left.. i just used a bit of wd40 on a rag, rubbed for a bit, then wiped off.. nice and clean, but i'm sure fairly liquid or whatever works..

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Spode! Your the guy who made the promotional video for www.thinkbikes.com am I right?

(If so) Nice vid! :D(Y)

I did like your mates amazing front wheel skill on a mission... :P:blink:

Well, if you want to call it a promotional video for thinkbikes.com, sure! But that makes it sound like I don't own think bikes :P

That stem looks like it's what I want too. TartyBikes recommend the Onza 120mm 17 degree stem. No idea what the recommendation is based on, but it sounds about right for what I need. Although I'm thinking of getting one with a little more rise. I have a fair few stem stackers under my current stem, I can always lower it.

I can't BELEIVE how much my body aches today. A month off riding has really taken it's toll! (Not to mention the extra pounds I've put on from spending my free time at press partys with free bars instead!)

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One that does annoy me, is the frame has www.tartybikes.co.uk written on the frame in several locations. I don't know if that is how TB ships it, or if the previous owner (Alex Pavlou) put those on, but I prefer the simpler look with few stickers as possible. I'm tempted to try and remove them, but I don't want to scratch the frame and I'm not sure if they are stickers some other attachment.

Nothing against tartybikes mind you, they seem like nice guys and have helped me out a fair bit already!

We never, ever, put stickers on frames, forks, or any other parts before they are sent out.


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