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Electronics Whizzes


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I need to clean some crap off the terminals of a remote control car. It's very old and I'm trying to breathe some life back into it. Anyway, the battery has leaked and there is blue crystal stuff all over negative terminal. The other one looks OK. If I bypass the terminals with some ghetto tape + wire on the battery, it works fine, so this is the only problem. The battery is a NiCd, if that's of any use.

Basically I want to remove this blue crystal stuff from the electrode. Is there anything lying around the house that will do this for me?

Thanks :)

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Awesome. I did have a look for Cillit Bang, but I don't think we have any. It's all working now. For anyone that was wondering, it's one of these badboys :D

IPB Image

Tyco Rebound. It's gotta be at least 11-12 years old. Needed a few fixes (the control was damaged too), but it's ace now :D

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Ha, I had one of those! Awesome machines.

P.s. for some reason, that pic of it doing a wheelie reminds me of what I was doing at work today while bored- having a competition with another bike hire member of staff to see how far we could wheelie/manual an electric disability scooter for old people, its virtually like wheelieing a small car!

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My uncle got me a bigger version of one of those for christmas yeeaars ago.

Well strong it was!

Jumped it off my garage roof and everything!

Then it 'broke' (you know what it's like when you're young, batteries dead - broke etc)


I want one now...

Was looking at those expensive ones we sell at work (Halfords) but a customer brought one in a while back, and had countless aounts of problems with it.

More maintenance then fun he said.


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