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yer thinking off getting one but not sure if there strong


Hi james.

We all felt bad for you earlier, as you haven't had the frame long.

The yaabaa bow frame looks mint, but don't know how much it is or how strong it is.

Have you told your mum yet james about your frame.

Me and dan think it was down the gilly's yesterday you hit it quite hard.

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i was looking around for new frames and came across the yaabaa frames there made by koxx and wondered if they were good like are they strong ect

cleanbikes sell them hear

i think i might get the yaabaa bow on there thanks


What am i listening for?

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i was looking around for new frames and came across the yaabaa frames there made by koxx and wondered if they were good like are they strong ect

cleanbikes sell them hear

i think i might get the yaabaa bow on there thanks


hey dude im new to this trials forum i realy like the yaabaa bow it is mean you should get one (Y)

Edited by mod_rider_69
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So just you like it mean we have to have it?

Okay i like doing anal, that mean you have to go around and force your self upon every unsospecting bloke in your case and do it...erm no mind i'd liek to see you face after you tried (flattened)

The Bow is a cool frame and soemthing very new as all there other stuff is old tat form Koxx remarked up..cleaver but we are smarter than them

Oh i like seeing poeple get run over, please go get run over!

Cos i'm so bloody nice and bord i've spent the past 5 mins googling for you

One site says

$650 CDN

Other says

400 EURO

So it's a toss up between £324.49 or £277.65

More than likely with anyhting KOXX on the Yaba range it'll be £300 taking into account that the Yababa Totskoye (wtf why a japanes name on a french rename) is a Koxx Lb that would cost £395 but the mark up one is only £250

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