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Everything posted by thirsty2

  1. hey man, sorry i sold it last night. money was sent yesterday.

    haven't had chance to put sold on the topic


  2. nice one callum, the gold went better than i thought it would with the white, rides lush, but just sort your back brake out, and stop that horrible woble somewhere lol. but apart from that its lush mate! thirsty!
  3. your bike looks sick, i think i prefer it with black than blue, and it rides better with that stem now, its weird what difference 2 degrees can do lol. sweet ash mate, thirsty!
  4. Rossy g u sicko! that vid was awesome man, that bit with joe white doesnt supprise me at all, being joe white lol but yer your riding has improved soo much man, just all of a sudden u can sidehop massive lol. all in all ur riding was SICK blud! ride again soon yer mate, reading was awesome. much love thirsty!
  5. i put them on myspace because there are soo many of them and as photobucket took aggggges to upload them, the place after the the gapping to the grass was the rail gap at ocean village. and yer that keyring one is wicked, i saw him throwing it and gtot the camera out the bag and took it without looking through the veiwfinder and i caught it prety well. hehe anyway... cheers for all the comments so far guys. thirsty!
  6. hey, awesome vid man, you have really improved loads! editing is sweet too. riding is mint too! thirsty!
  7. yes it is ash, its on the 5th page, 2nd row from the bottom! cheers for the comments so far guys, any more...?
  8. hey, heres a few pics from tuesdays ride in southampton, was a good ride! these arent all of the pics i took as there was about 300 of them, hehe. but half of them where rubbish anyway. i have uploaded all of the decent ones to my myspace because photobucket was taking tooo long. and there are too many to upload onto here. they are all finaly uploaded now, so take a look!! comments and constructive critisism are much welcomed as im new to photography! i apologise for the amount of pictures but i wanted to have a decent amount of the people who went up so i didnt have to send them personaly, if you get what im saying enjoy!!! thirsty! heres the LINK!!! ps. feel free to brouse my site and add me if u wish!
  9. i live in fareham which is right next to gosport but ive got work all weekend im afraid, what u in gosport for anyway? sos mate, alex!
  10. im coming, along with ash kennard and dan walker. we'll be there at 11.20 see you there! thirsty! :thumbsup:
  11. haha quality! what actually made him think of doing that though lol. alex!
  12. true, i was kind of thinking that, because if u crop them u dont see much of whats arround and stuff. yer deffo, when i get back off holiday and when im free! and thanks for the comments. any more?
  13. yer i havent riden properly for 10/ 11 weeks now, because i fell off and screwed my wrist up and its still screwed. should hopefully be riding mid july time. cheers for the comments soo far guys. keep them comming! alex
  14. thanks for the advise but i think i agree more with "has anyone see my sho" because you cant all ways judge where they are going to land and i can allways crop them anyway, but i havent got round to that, i just put them straight up here
  15. hey, I've just got my self a Nikon D40x, this is my first SLR, and i only got it at like 5 o clock this afternoon, and i just wanted to use it so i went out with Dan Walker, n took some shots. i havent changed anything like Shutter speed and appature and things like that because im not sure what settings to have with what conditions and stuff. so heres a few pics i took. comments wellcome, like for angles and things like that, bearing in mind i only had it 1-2 hours and its my first time in photography. so here they are, enjoy!!! dont be too harsh on me. lol. all comments welcomed! cheers alex
  16. just uploading mine now, funny as vids so far guys
  17. ash mate, that was sick blud! youv'e improved well loads since i last rode properly, i cant wait till my wrist is better and the exams are over, ill be riding all the time. keep it up man! alex!!
  18. i thought you was wearing wellies at first but its your shin pads haha. nice vid. i wouldn't mind having that in my front garden. alex
  19. Sweet vid ross, different style to the normal ones, but the riding is getting much better, How high u sidehopping now? looks massive! Well good vid and some good editing mate. Ill be coming up to reading after my gcse's to get my jumper and actually ride reading lol!!! Keep it up mate! Alex!!!
  20. the link doesn't work for me, it comes up with "internet explorer cannot display the webpage".
  21. thirsty2

    Dean Wisemen

    hiya, its only letting me see 9 seconds of it then it stops alex!
  22. haha oh my god, dan with short hair hahahaha, u look so different. how old were you then? alex!!!
  23. as danny said its the flanges on the grips. ash its my dogs frisby haha, cheers for the comments so far. alex!!!
  24. hi, i just took some pictures of my bike today, thought i might put them up here as the last set i put up were too dark. These pics were taken with my phone and i think they came out ok. Before you say it, i know i need to get new cranks but i haven't got round to them yet. Comments welcome!! cheers! alex!!
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