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"everythings Legal In Mehico"

trialsking 55

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Some of those amounts are really stupid - 25mg of Heroin is surely too small an amount to even measure? Most junkies wouldn't even feel that... Whereas 1kg of Peyote is a shedload?

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I thought heroin users used about 0.1g for a "hit"? so does that represent 10mg? or am I just getting confused with my measurements?

The average junkie apparently uses 0.25-2g per day (don't ask why I know that :P ). 0.25g is still 250mg, so way more than the 25mg you're allowed. Although I don't know if this means pure heroin - I imagine the 2g that junkies use is not pure...

Meh, I'm not sure this is something I need to worry about.

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5 grams of weed! thats nothing, it could last a few days, but still I would have thought mexico being the cultivating gound for much of the lower states would have allowed somewhat more than 5 grams.

If the herion is from mexico, it might very well be of very high quality, as much of the stuff is made there aswell before being brought up to the US, it's usuallt on the way to the us, or here as has happened before, that it get's adulterated and cut with other powders to bulk it up and allow someone to sell what they got for more than they paid.

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