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Televised Trials

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i have been thinking for a while now why isn't trials on tv (extreme sports channel) on there is BMX, bladers, skateboarders and snowboarders why isn't our sport televised i think our sport is more technical and challenging than any other out there e.g. judgement and balance.

personally i think trials should be on tv i have only ever seen leeches MANIFESTO on extreme it ain't enough in my opinion

any way enough of my complaining what do you feel as trial riders????

cheerez mellon

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i emailed extreme sports about a week ago asking them to put more on and why they had'nt put any trials on? they hav'nt replyed yet. (N)

I saw Sam Wheeler on extreme sports channel. Woooo!

Anyway trials is on extreme sports, sometimes. The only programe that i've seen had 100% trials was 'attention', look out for it.

I think the reason trials isn't on TV is becuase it isn't as 'entertaining' as other sports, no very flowing.

It would be nice to see some more on TV, but we've got pleanty of vids to choose from. (Y)

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the only thing to do then is FLOOD THEM IN EMAILS and they aint going to think the trials world aint so small afterall because it aint really its world wide so everyone who can email extremesports and show your veiws on putting televised trials on there channel

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Why not do something more constructive like make a decent demo video with flowing lines that will appeal to joe public and a sound track without any offensive lyrics. Send in a DVD copy with an attractive cover, combine that with an invitation to a trials event (with the organisers permission) and you might get somewhere, particularly if you actually put in some hardwork and get some high level (sponsored) riders to agree to do interviews and one or two how to's. None of this stuff costs much other than time and it might work.

Put yourself in the place of someone working for a TV Channel, you get a couple of dozen ranting emails and your already busy enough OR you get a nicley presented DVD you can pop in your laptop while you have a coffee, the music is good and there are some people doing interesting things on bikes, whats this an invitation to an event, exclusive rights to film from the promoter, offers of interviews with ? well ive never heard of these guys but i recognise some of the sponsors, so they must be professionals and reasonably presentable in front of a camera.

Our TV Guys next problem is that he needs to pitch this to his manager in order to get a budget and some resources to film something, so would he take two dozen ranting emails or the nice DVD with funky music and presentable riders doing interesting stuff on bikes.

If the last bit works, the next problem is he has a budget now needs something to film, again two dozen ranting emails doesnt help anyone, whereas if you have agreement from an event organiser, and riders for interviews and 'How to's' everything starts to fall into place.

Cut a long story short, every one in the working world is already busy doing thier job, if you want to get attention you have to help them do thier job, 'Why isnt XXXX sport on tv' isnt going to help anyone, whereas a nice DVD they can play for management makes a far better case. If its good they will show thier colleagues and make a bit of a buzz in the office, no one ever did that with an email beginning with 'Why isnt...'

Good luck


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I have been doing some more thinking about this and two points stand out, one has already been made which is that trials needs to flow more to appeal to a TV audience. You might remember the free running film that channel 4 showed a few years ago after all the interest in free running that an advert created. The whole appeal of the advert and the film was that the whole thing flowed visually and with the music, it also encorporated recognisable land marks which helps to keep people interested.

The other point which occured to me is that its extreme sport channel and most others do not generate thier own content instead they comission content from production companies or a production company comes to them and pitches concepts which they want the channel to invest in. You would be better off targetting production companies, next time you see a show on extreme sports channel, check out the credits to see who the production company is.

I was in Ireland recently and I saw a show about 'Autotests', this is a very minority interest sport where people in modified mini's race one at a time around cones in empty car parks. Whoever the production company is they clearly have the ability to film outside and the ability to successfully pitch a minority interest show to a major national TV Network, these are the type of guys you need to target with a well produced sample DVD.



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