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Why Is Trials Better?


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Hi everyone. I'm just getting back into trials and I just thought that this might be an interesting thing to ask.


Give 5 reasons that you think makes trials, be it Mod, 24", or stock is better than any other type of riding?

Mine would be:

1. Can ride on almost anythink

2. Pedal hops are fun?!

3. Brakes stop when you want them too.

4. Your less likely to impale yourself (like on Bmx's :$ )

5. Don't have to rush everythink

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Mine would be:

1. A lot lighter than bmx's.

2. Easier to maneuver.

3. A lot more street for trials compared to bmx and skateboarding as if there a wall you can ride it providing it's not to high for your ability.

4. Better atmosphere.

5. A lower population of trial's riders mean you get to no more people better.



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1. The actual bikes, they look so awesome etc

2. Because it's different

3. The way the public react to it

4. You can ride on (just about) anything

5. The sport is quite small

If you ride for any of those 5 reasons, you shouldn't be riding.

I just ride becuase i like it...

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The Riding And The Feeling you get from it

The Bikes (mainly old school monty's :P )

The People Most Are Kool

The Access To A Good Forum Giving Access To Helpfull Information

The Fun i have while improving my skills

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  1. i like 26" wheels... rules out bmxing
  2. When you ride a line then look back at it and can't for the life of you think how it'd be possible to ride a bike along something like that, the feeling is just immense
  3. I like just plain enjoy trials riding
  4. I like the challenge it usually presents
  5. I love to ride past pedestrians really fast and feather my honky rear brake to make them s**t themselves :)
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Hi everyone. I'm just getting back into trials and I just thought that this might be an interesting thing to ask.


Give 5 reasons that you think makes trials, be it Mod, 24", or stock is better than any other type of riding?

Mine would be:

1. Can ride on almost anythink

2. Pedal hops are fun?!

3. Brakes stop when you want them too.

4. Your less likely to impale yourself (like on Bmx's :$ )

5. Don't have to rush everythink

heres some

1.looks better than enyfink else

2.you have more controll over the bike

3.better stunts (because there no skill in riding off a massive cliff any dirt jumpers/down hillers its just guts)

4.There lighter than enyfink else

5.its worth every little penny

1. such a light bike to ride

2. the public think its a quite fun technical sport

3. you can ride evrything just abouts

4.the bikes look so cool

5.the brakes are so powerful espically my front magura louise and rear hs33

you ave a onza t mag dony u? (Y)

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3.better stunts (because there no skill in riding off a massive cliff any dirt jumpers/down hillers its just guts)

Well actually dirt jumping is a very technical form of riding, i don't mean any random jumping the lumps kind of riding i mean busting out 360's and one handed crankflip can-cans and things to that effect. Downhill also takes a lot of skill so what your saying is wrong. You mean freeriding, all that is is launching yourself off the biggest drop over the largest gap as fast as you possibly can.

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