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Danger Trials:p

Rago muffin

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hi guys just fort id share this little story as ive just come out of hospital and feel the need to speak (even though i litterally cant:S but anyways)

Was hitting a 4 ft wall trying to Jay to back wheel on my leeson 24" i came propper fast into it and as i went to lift up i donged my front wheel on the top and went over they bars landing clean on my neck snappin my larynx, apprently the larynx has two layers of cartiliage guarding the bone and the doctor said it was a 1 in 200,000 chance of acually snappin the bone in it but i managed it, also stupid NHS left me waiting 3 hours in the waiting room when i cud hardly breathe, the doctor was amzed id survive (no exaguration hehe) said i cud have easily been killed from this:S (oh well makes me feel tough at least)

...anyways i was just wondering if anyone else had experienced this cus ive landed on my head and face many a time but never my neck:S?

cheers for letting me talk guys:) (been going insane in hospital lol, sooooooooooo boring)


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Knocked out 2 teeth and smashed 1 in half. My face was covered in cuts and so was my body.

Without being vain i was upset because i thought that i would never be able 2 pull a girl again 1 month later my original teeth are in place and the 1 i smashed is now been fixed and not a scab on my face (apart from a spot LOL!)

Doctors can work miracles so don't worry yourself!

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F##K ME!!!!

joel man!!!!!!!!!!!!

i cant believe it!!!!!!

you are one lucky boy, cos that is one hell of a serious injury!!!!!

im glad your ok though man cos it doesnt take much to crush a trachea.

m8 hope 2 speak 2 u soon, gimme a text when u can talk again or are able for visitors.

shit man!! cant fukin believe it!

...by the way, dont think this is a valid excuse to get your sorry arse outa doin county gap this summer!!


get well soon bro


Edited by PhilFromLuton
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Hope it cures quick..

Last summer I was riding in London near Tate Modern....did a gap....overflew the bench, scratching my back on a tree and finally I saw my bike hitting be directly into my nose. I was bleeding for half an hour with people running around me offering help. Got a cab and went to a hospital where I had to wait a few hours. Hopefully I was not hurt much but I looked ugly with blood around...

I used to stay at a house in London a couple of years ago. The lady owner lost her dad like that. He had a heart attack and waited for 8 or so hours in the waiting room and then died. She sued the hospital and was interviewed on TV, but that never brought her dad back.

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