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Sticking Plastic Back Together


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My Osiris glasses didnt take too kindly when smacked in the face by a football, and the top part of the frame snapped in half. They are made of some kind of plastic and are still in shape, but need bonding back together so that the lense doesnt keep falling out.

Specsavers reckon they cant be repaired (but they are also the same people wanting me to spend £125 on a new pair)

I want to give it ago anyway. So anybody know what the best stuff for the job would be? super glue is the obvious one that comes to mind? Somebody also said that i should use acetone (also used as nail polish remover) but then other people said it would have the opposite effect as to that desired?

any help much appreciated, especially with me being completely broke and unable to pay for a new pair (Y)

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there's a super glue made by bostik i think (not 100% sure). It comes in a small yellow tube shrinkwrapped to blue card.

Anyway, it's clear and extremely strong. I've glues loads of stuff with it, from shoes, to my indicator stalk.

The fact it's clear means you can glue things neatly so it's not obvious. It's like £2.95 or something for a relativly tiny tube but it's good stuff, and won't leave white marks like araldite etc.

could probably pick some up on the hardware isle of your local supermarket, or any local focus/do it all/b&q etc.

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What about the glue you use for making model planes and stuff, it's more of a luqiud glue and if you managed to get the joint fitting perfectly the glue would seep into the joint by capillary action, making a nice tidy join with no redisue left over.

It can be an arse to work with though........

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