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Hey, My names Matt im from mansfield and have recently started trials riding again after a year break.

I have too say things have changed since back when i used too ride, the amount of new frames on the market is mind blowing, it used too be onza or monty about a year ago.

Back about an year ago i rode an x-lite 2003 model, Due too this being cracked and outdated i bought a zona zip. Really nice bike and im glad too say im imprving quite fast and im already better than i was before i stopped, im putting this down too the fact that im stronger.

I used too use trials-nation, but have discovered that doesent exist anymore, i also used too browse this forum often.

I would just like too thank Gazm, Squince and Joeb for helping me with my bike and everything.

I hope too become a positive member too the forum, and a greath help.

Heres a photo of my bike which i have recently sprayed luminous yellow B)

Has new parts on it and some that i saved from my x-lite.

IPB Image

Thanks too Squince for taking the photo and uploading it for me (Y)

Speak too you all around New members chat :D


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Woah i think that bike looks ace in that color!

You certainly arent going to get run over on that...

Welcome to the forum (Y)

Awesome first post (Y), you will be validated in no time. Welcome

Yeah, I ghess im pretty safe on it :lol:

Still getting used too how too control and use this forum, getting there :)

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Nice bike mate, hope to see videos and pics of you riding it soon, you'll be validated in no time, and should be a good rider riding with Gaz, Squince and Joe.



Hopefully, They all film me and joe says he will make a video of me :)

Looking forward too riding this year, should be good.

Thanks for all the comments and please keep them coming :)

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alright duck lovin the bike (Y) hope to be riding with you soon your then only mans lad i haven't :Slol slam me on your msn aswell if you like B)

lots of love padarik


That would be because i stopped riding for a year and have recently got back into it.

I have been told about you though :P .

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Hey welcome to the forums! hope you enjoy it here like most of us!

I also have a Zona Zip coming soon from squince, so you have probably seen it! Heard alot of good things about them so good luck with your riding! and get Squince to get in touch with me please :)

Thanks and welcome! B)

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welcome back matt.

its good to know that you've picked your self back up and started riding again.

It was only a matter of time beofre you came back to us.

hope you enjoy your stay at trials forum.

hi mate and welcome to the forum nice first post and i like the bike colour (Y)

hello brenden it darren

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Maybe I'm just stupid, but what are the bagties around the chainstays for?

(Maybe they're not called bagties, maybe cableties? The things they hold young trees to posts with to make them grow straight :P)

I can only think it's to hold a crack together.... (not likely) or is it just to stop any chips being put in that Oh-so-WONDERFUL paint job?

....This isn't a criticism, I'm just curious... lol


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Maybe I'm just stupid, but what are the bagties around the chainstays for?

(Maybe they're not called bagties, maybe cableties? The things they hold young trees to posts with to make them grow straight :P)

I can only think it's to hold a crack together.... (not likely) or is it just to stop any chips being put in that Oh-so-WONDERFUL paint job?

....This isn't a criticism, I'm just curious... lol


That would be see though like plastic tubing, with zip ties holding it on too protect the frame :)

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