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Video 2 From Me And Wez!

T-Lite Man

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Before you even ask why make one so fast the fact is we wasn't to happy with the first one so we went out and did some better things and alot more and not just some shit we put together but it still is shit to me and wez but its your opinions that count. (Y)

Ok here it is ^HERE^

Oh yea please say its alot!!!!! better!!!!!! then the first haha because me and wez seem to think so..

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Everyones mentioned the helmets so i wont repeat it. The song didnt go at all with the riding, the only hardcore thing about it was that you were hopping down stairs with really shit brakes and no helmets although i think that recipe for disaster was more stupidity than being hardcore.

Was it taken with a phone or a budget digital camera?

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Everyones mentioned the helmets so i wont repeat it. The song didnt go at all with the riding, the only hardcore thing about it was that you were hopping down stairs with really shit brakes and no helmets although i think that recipe for disaster was more stupidity than being hardcore.

Was it taken with a phone or a budget digital camera?

Was taken with a digital camera and for one thing i am wearing a helmet its wez that isn't.. because if you notice there are 2 people in this video...

and i thought the song went ok with it.. when your into rock and not R&B then can you comment on the music, and whos trying to be "hardcore"? no one is.. its something called fun, ever heard of it? and its sort of hard to find a decent song when i have like 5 songs on my computer rofl!

also stupidity? wez cant help the fact he has a shit rear brake going out and riding is still better then staying at home bored shitless because of a rear brake that dont work as well as you want it to.. things cant be perfect!

and hopping down a 4 set is probably ALOT less stupid then hoping over 2 people.. OWNED!

Try cough up a come back for that.. or was that to hardcore?

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Was taken with a digital camera and for one thing i am wearing a helmet its wez that isn't.. because if you notice there are 2 people in this video...

and i thought the song went ok with it.. when your into rock and not R&B then can you comment on the music, and whos trying to be "hardcore"? no one is.. its something called fun, ever heard of it? and its sort of hard to find a decent song when i have like 5 songs on my computer rofl!

also stupidity? wez cant help the fact he has a shit rear brake going out and riding is still better then staying at home bored shitless because of a rear brake that dont work as well as you want it to.. things cant be perfect!

and hopping down a 4 set is probably ALOT less stupid then hoping over 2 people.. OWNED!

Try cough up a come back for that.. or was that to hardcore?

It was shit really.

Funnily enough i know what i'm talking about, with the video and the music. I've done plenty of videos myself and have even been asked to make kyle hinchcliffes videos, one of which was a promotional video for heatsinkbikes. I also have the option to rely on advice from friends who have studied film-making at university if i have an idea that i want to try, so i have input from very good film-makers on what things work well and what things don't.

R&B? Jesus christ, jumping to incorrect conclusions there arent you. Telling me to talk to you when i know about rock wouldnt really help either as disturbed are more of a Nu-Metal band ;). I also have 3500+ songs on my pc ranging from mudvayne to jack johnson so i'd say i have a more varied taste in music than yourself and your apparantly biased likings of "rock" music.

Yes that wez guy can help having a shit brake, theres plenty of decent pads available, topics on how to grind rims and topics on how and where to find tar so you can get that brake working within the space of a single afternoon... i never said it had to be perfect but it slipped on a correction hop in that video so doing a stair set with a brake like that without a helmet was stupid.

It wasnt me hopping over two people its a random picture i found on my computer of someone down my local jumps a few years back.

And lastly you don't announce that you've owned someone yourself... thats just sad, if you have truly owned someone then someone else (as in not you) will point out the fact you've owned them. :lol:

Slightly more helpful: You should have used a better compression method with either the importing of clips from camera to pc or encoding of your movie maker project into a .WMV file to get rid of the pixelated picture, a better audio compression would help too, maybe something that doesnt have a variable bitrate. try some better angles with the camera, there were many sections with heads cut off and try to relax on your bikes as well, both of you look too tense on the bike and its hindering your abilities to control it easier. The beginning intro wasnt really neccessary either, it didnt come across as humerous if that was the intention, more annoying really and i wouldnt recommend something similar for future videos.

Happy yet? :ermm:

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It was shit really.

Funnily enough i know what i'm talking about, with the video and the music. I've done plenty of videos myself and have even been asked to make kyle hinchcliffes videos, one of which was a promotional video for heatsinkbikes. I also have the option to rely on advice from friends who have studied film-making at university if i have an idea that i want to try, so i have input from very good film-makers on what things work well and what things don't.

R&B? Jesus christ, jumping to incorrect conclusions there arent you. Telling me to talk to you when i know about rock wouldnt really help either as disturbed are more of a Nu-Metal band ;) . I also have 3500+ songs on my pc ranging from mudvayne to jack johnson so i'd say i have a more varied taste in music than yourself and your apparantly biased likings of "rock" music.

Yes that wez guy can help having a shit brake, theres plenty of decent pads available, topics on how to grind rims and topics on how and where to find tar so you can get that brake working within the space of a single afternoon... i never said it had to be perfect but it slipped on a correction hop in that video so doing a stair set with a brake like that without a helmet was stupid.

It wasnt me hopping over two people its a random picture i found on my computer of someone down my local jumps a few years back.

And lastly you don't announce that you've owned someone yourself... thats just sad, if you have truly owned someone then someone else (as in not you) will point out the fact you've owned them. :lol:

Slightly more helpful: You should have used a better compression method with either the importing of clips from camera to pc or encoding of your movie maker project into a .WMV file to get rid of the pixelated picture, a better audio compression would help too, maybe something that doesnt have a variable bitrate. try some better angles with the camera, there were many sections with heads cut off and try to relax on your bikes as well, both of you look too tense on the bike and its hindering your abilities to control it easier. The beginning intro wasnt really neccessary either, it didnt come across as humerous if that was the intention, more annoying really and i wouldnt recommend something similar for future videos.

Happy yet? :ermm:

You have 3500+ songs do you? like i actually care about that why are you telling me that? you expect me to go onto your computer and pick one of your songs? No so why tell me how many songs you have?

Well considering its the 2nd video ive ever made! its not about the editing you tart it's about the riding yes maybe your a better rider don't put me down just because im shit.. im probably alot better then you was when you had been riding as long as me.. and brake pads, grinds tar.. all costs money mate.. and when his mum has just had a baby you don't seriously be expecting her to give him the money for some brake pads have you ever considered people might be struggling with money as with wez? Wez has just got into 6 form and will soon be getting paid 30 quid a week so there he can buy some pads and a grind and some tar.. waiting isn't an issue if he want's to ride he can ride who are you to say he is stupid for riding his bike? hmm yes good one mate.

If you didn't notice it is .WMV file its the ancient camera im using.. oh you expect me to pull out like 400 quid+ for a new one in one afternoon? well guess what i don't have that money yet.. and to be ohnest you obviosly don't know what your talking about as you don't think what its like for other people? oh you think people are born with money and can just pick it off trees whenever they want? yes i agree it's stupid not wearing a helmet but its not stupid riding his bike if he hasn't got one YET...

And yes... you are OWNED its called consideration when you think about other people instead of yourself.

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You have 3500+ songs do you? like i actually care about that why are you telling me that? you expect me to go onto your computer and pick one of your songs? No so why tell me how many songs you have?

Well considering its the 2nd video ive ever made! its not about the editing you tart it's about the riding yes maybe your a better rider don't put me down just because im shit.. im probably alot better then you was when you had been riding as long as me.. and brake pads, grinds tar.. all costs money mate.. and when his mum has just had a baby you don't seriously be expecting her to give him the money for some brake pads have you ever considered people might be struggling with money as with wez? Wez has just got into 6 form and will soon be getting paid 30 quid a week so there he can buy some pads and a grind and some tar.. waiting isn't an issue if he want's to ride he can ride who are you to say he is stupid for riding his bike? hmm yes good one mate.

If you didn't notice it is .WMV file its the ancient camera im using.. oh you expect me to pull out like 400 quid+ for a new one in one afternoon? well guess what i don't have that money yet.. and to be ohnest you obviosly don't know what your talking about as you don't think what its like for other people? oh you think people are born with money and can just pick it off trees whenever they want? yes i agree it's stupid not wearing a helmet but its not stupid riding his bike if he hasn't got one YET...

And yes... you are OWNED its called consideration when you think about other people instead of yourself.

My god you do go off at a tangent dont you. I explained why i told you how many songs i have on my pc so read properly. I'm not putting you down because you are shit, its constructive criticism... i told you how to improve the videos for when you make another one.

Tar is free, so dont give me a load of crap about stuggling with money, you reckon your the only one with money issues, grow up. It does suprise me how your mate wez has enough money to sort himself out with a full build t-pro but cant afford a screwdriver to dig some tar out the road like everyone else. And if you don't want to do that then you can even ask workmen for a bit next time you see them, they usually give you some... but you would know this if you'd looked at the threads like i suggested instead of trying to be a cocky b*****d.

I never told you to get a new camera so read what i said properly, I told you how to use it properly ;).

You just dont get the whole owned thing.

If you make a bad video you have to expect people to be honest with you. If you can't handle being told its bad then you shouldnt have put it up until you'd made it into a decent video.

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You have 3500+ songs do you? like i actually care about that why are you telling me that? you expect me to go onto your computer and pick one of your songs? No so why tell me how many songs you have?

Well considering its the 2nd video ive ever made! its not about the editing you tart it's about the riding yes maybe your a better rider don't put me down just because im shit.. im probably alot better then you was when you had been riding as long as me.. and brake pads, grinds tar.. all costs money mate.. and when his mum has just had a baby you don't seriously be expecting her to give him the money for some brake pads have you ever considered people might be struggling with money as with wez? Wez has just got into 6 form and will soon be getting paid 30 quid a week so there he can buy some pads and a grind and some tar.. waiting isn't an issue if he want's to ride he can ride who are you to say he is stupid for riding his bike? hmm yes good one mate.

If you didn't notice it is .WMV file its the ancient camera im using.. oh you expect me to pull out like 400 quid+ for a new one in one afternoon? well guess what i don't have that money yet.. and to be ohnest you obviosly don't know what your talking about as you don't think what its like for other people? oh you think people are born with money and can just pick it off trees whenever they want? yes i agree it's stupid not wearing a helmet but its not stupid riding his bike if he hasn't got one YET...

And yes... you are OWNED its called consideration when you think about other people instead of yourself.

My god you do go off at a tangent dont you. I explained why i told you how many songs i have on my pc so read properly. I'm not putting you down because you are shit, its constructive criticism... i told you how to improve the videos for when you make another one.

Tar is free, so dont give me a load of crap about stuggling with money, you reckon your the only one with money issues, grow up.

I never told you to get a new camera so read what i said properly, I told you how to use it properly. And yes i did know it was a .wmv, i wasn't telling you to make it into one, re-read it and you'll see what i said.

You just dont get the whole owned thing.

EDIT: I'm actually going to edit my last posts and point out the key bits so you can read what i said PROPERLY.

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No one cares about people who cant take criticism.

Righty.. now i got it all out my system the constructive criticism from moi.

Helmets are needed. (if enough people tell you now.. then maybe you will get pissed off enough to wear them)

Take a look at your gear ratios, the one guys looks properly odd i cant tell whether its too hard or just too easy.

Also you need to sort out your brakes, buy some plaz pads and grind your rims.

Slow yourselves down when you come up to drops some of it looked like the bike were controlling you and not you controlling the bike.

Its ok to have the camera sat on a wall close for a shot.. but i wouldnt say more than 2. Its best to stand away and get everything in shot, when you get better at editing then you can start working with close ups and angles better.

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No one cares about people who cant take criticism.

Righty.. now i got it all out my system the constructive criticism from moi.

Helmets are needed. (if enough people tell you now.. then maybe you will get pissed off enough to wear them)

Take a look at your gear ratios, the one guys looks properly odd i cant tell whether its too hard or just too easy.

Also you need to sort out your brakes, buy some plaz pads and grind your rims.

Slow yourselves down when you come up to drops some of it looked like the bike were controlling you and not you controlling the bike.

Its ok to have the camera sat on a wall close for a shot.. but i wouldnt say more than 2. Its best to stand away and get everything in shot, when you get better at editing then you can start working with close ups and angles better.

I know you lot are telling wez to wear a helmet but i tell him everyday he's really stuborn and i tell him the same thing about slowing yourself down going to a drop.. he dont listen hes one of those people that don't listen to anyone he just does it.. then he blames it on the brake and yes ive also told him to get a grind because there not that hard to get i know a few people he can get one off it's just the fact its like an hour ride away because Plymouth... is shockin'

I know the vid was shit but you can't blame me for atleast giving it a try?

My god you do go off at a tangent dont you. I explained why i told you how many songs i have on my pc so read properly. I'm not putting you down because you are shit, its constructive criticism... i told you how to improve the videos for when you make another one.

Tar is free, so dont give me a load of crap about stuggling with money, you reckon your the only one with money issues, grow up.

I never told you to get a new camera so read what i said properly, I told you how to use it properly. And yes i did know it was a .wmv, i wasn't telling you to make it into one, re-read it and you'll see what i said.

You just dont get the whole owned thing.

EDIT: I'm actually going to edit my last posts and point out the key bits so you can read what i said PROPERLY.

Look i know you mean well and all so im going to just say this: I thought it was a bit harsh saying hes stupid and saying the editing was shit and so was the riding for my 2nd ever vid...(if you didn't mean it like that it seemed it) that's why i kicked off.. i probably could of said worse but what's the point? I have tar and wez use's it but it comes off.. that day i didn't bring my tar out so he couldn't use it.. and id love to buy him a whole new bike along with me haha if only they were cheaper. :lol:

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I know you lot are telling wez to wear a helmet but i tell him everyday he's really stuborn and i tell him the same thing about slowing yourself down going to a drop.. he dont listen hes one of those people that don't listen to anyone he just does it.. then he blames it on the brake and yes ive also told him to get a grind because there not that hard to get i know a few people he can get one off it's just the fact its like an hour ride away because Plymouth... is shockin'

I know the vid was shit but you can't blame me for atleast giving it a try?

Look i know you mean well and all so im going to just say this: I thought it was a bit harsh saying hes stupid and saying the editing was shit and so was the riding for my 2nd ever vid...(if you didn't mean it like that it seemed it) that's why i kicked off.. i probably could of said worse but what's the point? I have tar and wez use's it but it comes off.. that day i didn't bring my tar out so he couldn't use it.. and id love to buy him a whole new bike along with me haha if only they were cheaper. :lol:

I didn't say HE was stupid, i said it was a stupid THING TO DO... an act of stupidity ;)

I didn't say the riding was shit either, we all started out like that, i just gave you pointers on how to improve, the same way i got them when i made my first video.

*All of Krisboats' posts @ T-Lite Man* = OWNED :-

Thats how you know you've owned someone ;)

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I didn't say HE was stupid, i said it was a stupid THING TO DO... an act of stupidity ;)

I didn't say the riding was shit either, we all started out like that, i just gave you pointers on how to improve, the same way i got them when i made my first video.

Thats how you know you've owned someone ;)

Well soz for making it almost flamed.. i thought you ment different things thats all..

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:lol: !!! Thanks for stickin up for a mate luke haha (sarcasm)

Dude chill out a bit.

He's giving you pointers for both riding and video making, yet you are going off on one taking it as harsh criticism rather than constructive criticism as it's meant.

By getting all worked up about it and starting to get lairy (over the net, obviously a point in that...) then it's just going to spark off rowdiness, so you've gotta calm down or expect it really...

arn't you supposed to be commenting on the video?

Didn't want to get abuse, so I figured I wouldn't have an opinion just in case...

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Dude chill out a bit.

He's giving you pointers for both riding and video making, yet you are going off on one taking it as harsh criticism rather than constructive criticism as it's meant.

By getting all worked up about it and starting to get lairy (over the net, obviously a point in that...) then it's just going to spark off rowdiness, so you've gotta calm down or expect it really...

Yea ill just expect it all the time.. cause i know im not the best

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Yea ill just expect it all the time..

Sorry, but that's not really a particularly decent attitude to have towards it though is it?

You have an avatar saying "Death to chavs", however that sort of approach to stuff is edging on chav itself really...

Chill out!

cause i know im not the best

It's not like that though, you're being given constructive criticism, nobody's having a go at you!

No, you're not the best, nor am I, but you don't need to go around saying one way or the other. If people feel they can help you out, they will post and try and do so. Take it the way it's meant...

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Sorry, but that's not really a particularly decent attitude to have towards it though is it?

You have an avatar saying "Death to chavs", however that sort of approach to stuff is edging on chav itself really...

Chill out!

LOL :lol::lol: Well c'mon the avatar is legend chavs should be killed and i bet most people would agree with me? chav means scum in the dictionary A K A chav = going round battering old ladys smashing up bus stops knifing people for a smoke.. haha seriously who wants them?

Oh yea what shall i do just edit the clips make a little clips vid of JUST me (wearing the helmet) so you don't have to see wez not wear one? and with no music?

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Dude chill out a bit.

He's giving you pointers for both riding and video making, yet you are going off on one taking it as harsh criticism rather than constructive criticism as it's meant.

By getting all worked up about it and starting to get lairy (over the net, obviously a point in that...) then it's just going to spark off rowdiness, so you've gotta calm down or expect it really...

Didn't want to get abuse, so I figured I wouldn't have an opinion just in case...

Well when i ask what people think of video.. and if i wanted your opinion on that convo id ask for it......

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