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im one of the stupid trial riders that decides not to wear a helmet but i am going to be buying on in about a week or so and im jus wandering what people look for in a helmet??? i like the GIRO ANIMAS in red and black, strong and quite cheap.

i have asked a number of people what they look for in a helmet and they always say "its got to look good" looks are good yes but surely protection is the highest priority

so what do you look for when buyin a helmet??????

cheers mellon

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i have asked a number of people what they look for in a helmet and they always say "its got to look good"

Well you have been asking idiots then. A helmet is a helmet when it comes to looks

As long as you find one that fits properly, and is uber-comfy then get it!

(Oh, and by the way, there have been a few new "What helmet" threads started recently, check out the search) (Y)

Edited by Tarquin
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i was one of these people once, i even bought a helmet to shut my parents up but didnt use it.

now though i sue a mex anaxagore or summit its 65 quid but aslong as it protects ur noggin its fine.

just make sure you get one that fits, a lot of people prefer the giro cant remember the more important name lol but it fits around your head rteally well :)

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Lol, Power Rangers.

Anyways, most important thing in a helmet is fit.

They all offer similar levels of protection due to the strict regulations.

But if it doesn't fit, it'll be annoying and you'll be less likely to wear it. But more importantly, if it fits properly it'll offer you proper protection in the event of a crash. If your helmet falls off during a crash its useless having one.

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