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Trials Rider From Sa In Uk.looking For Freqwent Rides With Locals

Ace O Spades

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Hi my name is Martin. I am from sunny South-Africa and arrived in UK around 3 months ago to ride as much trials as posable!

Are there any trials riders in the Slough,Reading aria that I can join for freqwent rides??!the winter here are already colder than what i'm used to, but thats not gona stop me riding!I can only ride at night after work.I work from 9-6 in a bike shop in Slough.But I have thursdays & some sundays of!

I like riding all kinds of trials natural ,street ,speed, basically: I love Trials

I've been riding mostly street trials since i got here cause i couldn't find any natural were i live (Slough)!

Are there any natural nearby or in surrounding arias that someone knows about????

It will be cool for me to meet uk trials riders and ride with you guys!I came to this country to progress as much as posable!!

I ride a stock bike! an adamant that i managed to put together 4 myself in the last 3months thanks to the helpful guys at TARTY BIKES!Big up to you!!!!!

PS:i'm not bothered wheelsize!!I will enjoy riding with any trials riders 26",20",24",16" if there is something like that out there B)


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recently the fareham lot have been attending reading rides, if you look in the rides section of this forum then you will see that there are regular rides in reading. your very lucky your in reading I personally think it is one of the best places to ride in the country.

add me to msn and i will give you joes msn/number he lives close to reading

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