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Big Thanks To Cleanbikes Etc


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i went to the tyke today and most of the others this year and i would like to put a BIG BIG THANKS to babra from cleanbikes and the rest who set up the tykes for us all who got to them so if you could leave a thanks if you go to them i'm sure they would appreciate it (Y)

danny barnett

Edited by dan_barnett
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Thanks a lot Danny and Luke, glad you enjoyed it.

It was a brilliant day and really good fun - although I'm exhausted today after two days of jumping up and down rocks!

But hey ... 90+ riders ... where did they all come from !!!!

See you in February if not before (you never know, we might just slip an extra one in!)


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I helped set out a couple of sections on sat, so cheers for the thanks :)

90 riders!! There were a lot more younger riders this time, its great to see that the sport has riders for the future! I was really impressed with their riding level too. Its making me feel old lol.

I enjoyed the comp, it was a lot windier than on sat, but the dryness was nice. I rode ok, had 3 stupid 5s and a lot more dabs than I would have liked. I ended up on 25 dabs riding elite, 1 more dab than Chris Boyes whon won elite.

well done to everyone who entered and I hope to see you next year.

PS Thanks barbara, waynio, the peacocks and everyone else who spent time to make the comp happen (Y)

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Yeah got to be said one of the most enjoyable trials of the year, and the weather was perfect not too hot or too cold. Hope there having another trial like the two day one in summer with camping next year. (definaltly best trial of the year that one.) Thanks again barbara for organising all the trials, and goodbye to nigel and sue (hope you get replacments for them positions so the grate club can carry on). (Y)

Matt Rushton

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