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Plymouth Ride


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Hey guys!!!

just a quick word - cheers for the ride today... and sat.

was cool meeting u all, perhaps next time i see you all ill be just as good as you... mwahahaha

then again maybe not :P

I asked my mate if i cud stay at his again soon, like before xmas, and he was a bit unsure - coursework n stuff u c. So maybe i wont see you till next year unless you do a big ride in bristol... and it doesnt rain! ha

anyways, takiteaazie

samwell ;)

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Good to have a quick chat with you on Saturday! (Y)

Didn't know you were riding today, I woulda come out. Instead i did work :(

May count myself out for riding this saturday (18th) due to my parents coming down.

However, the weekend after some mates are coming down, so I'll definately be riding then (Y)

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