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New Trials Magazine!

navara man

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Whats the deal with sidecar trials ??? why would you want to do that ?

I'd wana do it cos it sounds f**king great fun!

Ever seen trials done by cars? Kinda long thin sorta cars with the driver situated toward the back of a rear wheel drive thing. They tart bouncing in their seats when they loose taction, I saw it on TVwas generally a bunch of 40+ guys doing it but it looks amazing.....

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I seen this in spain when I as in holiday and bought it to look at the pictures as it was in spanish.

Last week when I got some bits and bobs from Cleanbikes their was a leaflet in their saying it would be in most newsagents, it looked really good from what i could see from the picturures :D thanks trialsbikenut (Y)

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It is quite "motorbikey" but i have bought it 3 or 4 times whilst in france and spain and it has (well it has in the copies i have!) quite a lot of bike-trials in it, i would say at least twice as much as trialsworld did!!.

The trouble with producing a bike-trials only mag is that to get the quality we all demand in a mag, good pics quality paper etc you need BIG sales and the lack of readership is what killed of trialsworld allegedly!(i have another theory!!)

The deal with sidecar trials is that it is probably next to sidecar mx, one of the most mental m/bike sports out there and having seen some lads riding an outfit in a trial at my local club(SDMC) it looks very difficult and a real laugh!!

When my brother and i were young we built a Raliegh Grifter sidecar outfit(showing my age here!!) and it was ace, and possibly the most dangerous thing ever!! :S:S

Edited by navara man
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Whats the deal with sidecar trials ??? why would you want to do that ?

Forget all you know about riding a bike or motor bike, just strap a chair (side car) onto a trials bike and you will not belive that it is the same machine.

It is as mad as fu<>.

A propper laugh much more fun and a lot harder than moto trials, a bit like patting your head and rubbing your belly and taking a shit all at the same time.

i think somebody should invent chair for a bike trial bike, Now that is a sport that I would do....

I'd wana do it cos it sounds f**king great fun!

Ever seen trials done by cars? Kinda long thin sorta cars with the driver situated toward the back of a rear wheel drive thing. They tart bouncing in their seats when they loose taction, I saw it on TVwas generally a bunch of 40+ guys doing it but it looks amazing.....

Nowt like that buddy. Think of Wallace and Grommit in the motoerbike bit and you are nearly there. :P

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