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Mbuk Has Achieved New Heights....


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AND if i piss people off on the internet i am never gonna make it. so the world of trials now revolves arouind this f**king forum, thats full of arguments, then f**k me, im knackered, my aswell nip downstairs and sort me self out with the bread knife now ant a mark?

ONE cracking example of a person who pissed off the whole of the uk, and got banned from biu, FOR NO REASON may i add, is danny butler. if you think that if i piss people off im done then why the f**king bollocks has danny butler been 4th in the world cup, in the mens elite catergory, behind kenny,vince and caisso.

personally i think the best thing he could of ever done was move to uci, and that came about because everyone in the uk f**king hated him, but the french f**king dent, cus the ride to enjoy riding, AND PROMOTE COMP RIDING. top french riders, train the younger riders how to be better in comps, loadsa people in the uk do that, none!!!!!

f**k about!

I do hope danny doesnt read that or else your in trouble joe.


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AND if i piss people off on the internet i am never gonna make it. so the world of trials now revolves arouind this f**king forum, thats full of arguments, then f**k me, im knackered, my aswell nip downstairs and sort me self out with the bread knife now ant a mark?

The reason I mentioned that is that Martin and Martyn haven't gotten where they are today by bitching about petty shit on the internet.

Thats just making it personal now wayne, and that aint a good thing, i dont wanna get personal, its my f**king opinion, so bolloks.


ONE cracking example of a person who pissed off the whole of the uk, and got banned from biu, FOR NO REASON may i add, is danny butler. if you think that if i piss people off im done then why the f**king bollocks has danny butler been 4th in the world cup, in the mens elite catergory, behind kenny,vince and caisso.

personally i think the best thing he could of ever done was move to uci, and that came about because everyone in the uk f**king hated him, but the french f**king dent, cus the ride to enjoy riding, AND PROMOTE COMP RIDING. top french riders, train the younger riders how to be better in comps, loadsa people in the uk do that, none!!!!!

Bit of a contradiction?

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The reason I mentioned that is that Martin and Martyn haven't gotten where they are today by bitching about petty shit on the internet.

Bit of a contradiction?

#1 Its a forum... this where "petty shit" gets discussed... funny that.

#2 It wasnt a contradiction.

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I didn't say that a forum wasn't the place to discuss petty shit.

Joe appeared to be saying to Wayne you shouldn't get personal, then "got personal" about Danny?

You implied it and it wasnt anything personal, he was just stating how previously riders have been mistreated in our sport in the uk and welcomed in other countries. The comp scene here is dead on its arse in comparison to other countrys. YMSA comp has been the best thing i have ever done in trials.. the turn out is appauling for the amount of effort put in to it. The reason being no one helps to promote it. The mbuk article did it no favours.. hence the whole topic.

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LMAO, this is fun to read.... my opinion.......

MBUK was the mag i brought back in the day... and i still recive it through me door. love lookin through it!!! love the article on Danny H! f**kin legend.... reminds me of the good old days where u could ride for fun!! I wish it was still like this!! i remember back in the day! old school times... everyone had seats and pashleys etc!! was mega... ride with a f**k load of riders and have the crack, with people pushin the scene. But now there is too much compitition.. u cant do what u want.. people just look at u now in discuss and bitch about... awww he cant do this and that when they belive its easy.. its all about how high u can sidehop and f**kin what frames u have and that... f**k that... fair enough u can sidehop 50"! but.... eevryone doin that kinda now... good thing about trialsking... they mixed things up... made the best of the street where people mostly ride.. instead of just lookin at one wall and think... oh i can sidehop that or backwheel it... they weere lookin at other lines to spice things up... love that... f**k all the uci shit... but thats probs cuz i like oldschool ridin, and i was around in them times and loved it... but now.... ergh! its depressin lol! and dont belive people f**kin bitchin about danny sayin he not on form.. cuz f**k me!! when u herd he had a video out u wanted it!!! i pulled a sicky to spend 4 hours downloadin a video cuz i wanted it that bad!! it was so differnt and was so good... everyone knew about it and discussed it for months after... now when a vid comes out.. im not to botherd, i know they goin to be the same as others, gap gap gap.... sidehop sidehop sidehop.... backwheel backwheel backwheel...!!!!!!!! gets abit boring! bring back the good days!! plus, danny back in the day ridin some tank of a bike if u look at the bikes now... Tim steadman.... another legend... look at his bike!! i used to see him everyweek back in the day ridin brum... and his bike! f**k me... hard gear, short handlebars, short frame.. and he rode it like a champ! no one would look twice at that bike now... lol i wanna see more of that ridin... more inspired riddin instead of sidehoppin all the time! o well....

as for mart... legend aswell.... he did his bit back in the day.. and still does now... he done all that.. he knows what his on about... comps are borin to me.. my opionion.. Bringin out vids for people to watch... still love watchin bi-king and that! lol.... brilliant video...

Trials is fun when ur with the right people.... shame there is so mch bitchin now adays... alot of wankers ride in my opinion... stuck up twats.. im not havin a go, but its moslty the young ones that are twonks... think they know it all... when they have no idea! so many people i respect in trials for bein different... im babblin on now.. but from what ive read... joe, no disrespect... but u sound like a cock.... ive read stuff u have put, its people like u trials dont need... bitch haha... i probs aint made to much sence cuz im tired.. but there u go... bitch away!!!

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You implied it and it wasnt anything personal, he was just stating how previously riders have been mistreated in our sport in the uk and welcomed in other countries. The comp scene here is dead on its arse in comparison to other countrys. YMSA comp has been the best thing i have ever done in trials.. the turn out is appauling for the amount of effort put in to it. The reason being no one helps to promote it. The mbuk article did it no favours.. hence the whole topic.

Fair enough, I read it as him having a go at Danny. Perhaps that wasn't what he meant.

The YMSAs I've been to have been good, but I don't really see why comps have to be the biggest thing in trials?

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Fair enough, I read it as him having a go at Danny. Perhaps that wasn't what he meant.

The YMSAs I've been to have been good, but I don't really see why comps have to be the biggest thing in trials?

Its never been said that they need to be the biggest thing in trials. But from my experience, comps really do bring people together.. theres a good atmosphere and plenty of parents around etc supporting. Its nice to see everyone helping out and i think comps are going to be one of the best ways to promote the sport (if it ever properly hit the tv screens). It makes trials seem more of an official sport and not just a bunch of kids throwing their bikes at walls all day and pissing off the elderly.

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Its never been said that they need to be the biggest thing in trials. But from my experience, comps really do bring people together.. theres a good atmosphere and plenty of parents around etc supporting. Its nice to see everyone helping out and i think comps are going to be one of the best ways to promote the sport (if it ever properly hit the tv screens). It makes trials seem more of an official sport and not just a bunch of kids throwing their bikes at walls all day and pissing off the elderly.

To be fair, on street rides I've had a similar atmosphere to what I felt at comps. You're still out meeting people, if someone has a puncture someone'll give them a tube - all that stuff, it's just that it happens every week of the year instead of 4 rounds per year or whatever. I don't really see comps as being the best way of promoting trials though. The good thing about trials is it's accessibility, and the dramatic look of it. When I started riding trials, it meant a 4am start and a looooooong drive to the nearest comp. To get to the nearest natural or street spot took about 5 minutes. There's going to be a lot of people in a similar situation - most people will have more street to ride near them than comp venues, so showing them that they can just jump on their normal bike and learn to pivot and hop or whatever in their street is going to be more beneficial than saying they've got to ride in Novice at their next local comp? The main problem with comps is just their locations, but that's something that can't change - unless we have more urban sorta competitions. UCI comps seem to be going that way now, and stuff like the Bike Battle and the Trials Grand Prix at the Cycle Shows seem to be helping people realise you can have a really technical, bloody hard trial that fully tests the world's top riders without it having to be on some wind-blown hillside in the middle of the countryside. "Real" comps have their place obviously, but they aren't accessible enough to most people. When you include the whole licenses/registration forms and so on, it makes it even worse. The other point about getting people to ride trials by showing them a comp is what I mentioned before about the public's view of trials - they don't realise how ridiculously hard some competition lines are, but they think other easier street tricks are hard just because of how they look. People starting something generally want to emulate someone really good at it, which is what inspires them to start. If they see a rider doing a really technical descent, slithering down a muddy bank they're not going to give it the same sort of kudos as, say, Tunni doing a 4,000ft gap to rail. It's the same with BMX - you do a tech line that's low to the ground and no-one gives a shit, they just want to see the latest flipwhip variation or whatever. It won't be the same for everyone, but it just seems that in general, street trials and big moves have more mass appeal than comp riding. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.

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joe this thread shows how immature you are and how much you do NOT u7nderstand about trials if you havent have jumped in 2 footed like you did and read my post about that it "could" cause upset you would have thought a bit more about it.

i have no problem with people with opinions, i just see you come from one side of the fence and you aint giving ANYONE or anything a chance to be right. your aslways right. so lets all bow down to Joe oakley and his crew (Y) there always right.

am off up shippers to ride my bike and practise. Joe you can take it 1 of 2 ways as you already have, 1 learn from mistakes, or 2 keep making mistakes and making enemies it will get you absolutly NO WHERE.

Boon i agree with you, us "older" more mature boys understand the BIG world a little bit more than the younger immature among us.

EDIT: the lad above that has been riding 9 years (Y) i agree with you too. (Village dave) i had to complete the post and gather his name, as i feel that his post is quite important to it.


Edited by Waynio
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To be fair, on street rides I've had a similar atmosphere to what I felt at comps.

same. I mean sometimes with some riders you get the feeling that you shouldn't go talk to them, but all in all its friendly and just a laugh

Joe, if you said its only opinions and opinions dont matter, can I ask why you've brought the attention of Mr Hawyes's opinions to light? (when they're just opinions I mean)

to be honest, i dont care if matin said that I should quit trials cos theres no hope. There probably is no hope but Im happy "wasting" my time doing it. Same with any trackie wearing rider out there if you look like a chav then... great you're a chav looking rider :S Is it just me or has this molehill become a mountain? lol

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intresting topic,

i think the whole lets make trials cool so they ride it is bad,

i wear trackies when i ride there well comfy like a big leather chair! but i am far from a chav!

i ride comps they are fun if you make them fun, i ride street with my mates which is also fun,

taking trials (comps) seriously is good, wearing the correct gear is not a bad thing, maybe you dont look so cool but who cares,

i must say i do think the two martyns are not very sociable to other riders seing as there suposed to be big influencial riders but maybe i met them both on bad days?

i also believe alot of there opinions are very stupid i.e making trials popular, if people like trials they will ride it and adapt there own style i dont want it to become the 'in' thing that would suck royally!

im tired maybe all this makes no sense haha i dont know,

but try and chill (im not one to talk about chilling:P)

also mbuk sucks fashion for bikes,

good night god bless etc! :)

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i.e making trials popular, if people like trials they will ride it and adapt there own style i dont want it to become the 'in' thing that would suck royally!

i see what you're getting at. what you have to remember is they've worked hard for like 10 years to make it bigger and bigger, and essentially where it is today - being the two personalities in it.

they're not gonna be around for ever and someone has to take their place and continue what they've worked so hard to build up. and the more accessible and user-friendly it is to the public, the more money will be in it, and the more chance we will have of this happening. it's the things pointed out that are hindering this happening.

perhaps trials has had its hay day? the big releases of evolve and contact, speed trials at the bikeshow and the red bull bike battle? :blink:

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I wasn't going to add to this topic, although it's been quite funny to read :lol:

but, whilst on this subject, can I just ask what the big deal is about 'promoting trials' and making it bigger?

I can see the plus points of it, in theory, cheaper parts, more socially accepted etc, but also they are some disadvantages aren't there? More people bashing walls about on the streets, and the more frequent it will be, the more likely it is that there could be some sort of council 'ban' on us riding? Or am I jsut talking gibberish?

I for one though, quite like being part of a minority sport. If someone asks me about what trials, I just say it's a bit of a cross between bmx and mountain biking, but slower. If they are still then interested at this point, I explain further.

Surely if we all wanted to be part of a major popular sport, or whatever this promotion is for, we would've all played football, or tennis?! :blink:

Anyhow, that's my twopenneth. I'm not really very opinionated on this sort of thing, nor do I really care for opinions like this much. "Opinions are like a**holes, everyones got one"

As has been said, just ride. If trials becomes the next big craze, so be it, and we'll reep the benefits of 'being there first'; but if it doesn't: 'meh' .....

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I have stopped my lad reading TF. When I was first told about it I was really chuffed that we could be part of a group of lads/lasses that all shared the same interest, "TRIALS"

But over the last twelve months or so the uk scene has gone sour, a real split has happened.

I have to try and explain to a 9 year old why Joe Oakley who Rob thinks is great, and Dan the Butler who in my eyes is awsome, Waynio who has helped Rob so much and who is a god to him, Rob Poiser who fixed Robbies bike in Devon (helping him to win the British for a third year)and many many more of you out there, seem to clash a lot on here is really hard to explain to him what is going on.

I think you are all leg ends in your own right, I watch you ride and you all amaze me.

If we can't take the people to trials then why can't we all work together as a team of bright and intelligent people and take TRIALS TO THE PEOPLE and run some comps on the streets ?

People must look at this forum and read stuff and think "god I'm not doing any comps they all hate each other, I'm off into town to ride my bike"

I have said it before. If any of you have seen my riding you will aggree trials IS fun so just get out and ride.

Invest some time in the little uns we have loads of little kids coming to our events, rather than tearing chunks out of each other why don't you all sort out an English style Koxx days style event or something on those lines.

Put something back into the sport.

Please for the sakes of our sport.

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I do hope danny doesnt read that or else your in trouble joe.


whys that then, i was on the phone to him as i wrote is :S

You implied it and it wasnt anything personal, he was just stating how previously riders have been mistreated in our sport in the uk and welcomed in other countries. The comp scene here is dead on its arse in comparison to other countrys. YMSA comp has been the best thing i have ever done in trials.. the turn out is appauling for the amount of effort put in to it. The reason being no one helps to promote it. The mbuk article did it no favours.. hence the whole topic.

thank you

I have said it before. If any of you have seen my riding you will aggree trials IS fun so just get out and ride.

Invest some time in the little uns we have loads of little kids coming to our events, rather than tearing chunks out of each other why don't you all sort out an English style Koxx days style event or something on those lines.

Put something back into the sport.

Please for the sakes of our sport.

look, that is the last thing, i am saying. but it doesn't help our sport does it, if one of the supposed trials legends, is saying comps are crap with no spectators.

say if i was just starting trials, and i bought mbuk, i would read through that mag and never ewven want to ride a comp, because not once in there does it say that comps are good!


joe this thread shows how immature you are and how much you do NOT u7nderstand about trials if you havent have jumped in 2 footed like you did and read my post about that it "could" cause upset you would have thought a bit more about it.

i have no problem with people with opinions, i just see you come from one side of the fence and you aint giving ANYONE or anything a chance to be right. your aslways right. so lets all bow down to Joe oakley and his crew (Y) there always right.

Boon i agree with you, us "older" more mature boys understand the BIG world a little bit more than the younger immature among us.

#1 - It obviously shows how immature i am, by expressing my opinion i am immature, oh. and i think i know quite a f**king bit about trials if you ask me!

#2 - "giving anyone a chance to be right". there isnt no right or wrong answer, its my opinion and thats why i posted up, and whilst i posted up, i wasn't erxpecting rosy comments all round, but its a forum, and thats what forums are for, opinions.

#3 - so you trhink i am a baby in the trials world, and the whole point of this topic is because of past stuff i dont realise? ok then!


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whys that then, i was on the phone to him as i wrote is

i take it that was Danny Butler????or Danny Holroyd?

in my post i was referring to Danny Holroyd, if you have taken time to read his article its actually really good, and as danny is my age (ish) i think holroyd is 25 or something. he gives a strong opinion as his opinion is valid to be published in a magazine, yours is only just valid to be posted on here joe. EDIT: his opinion is more valid as his approach to things is a bit more "professional" than trying to get noticed through a post on an internet forum, danny H may not attend competitions but he is known extremly well for his street style and going back a few years for REALLY going BIG!!!! dont forget he was as big as CLS and Tunni only 2/3years ago!!!! he started with the boundary pushing. with the rest of the Trials Kings (who remembers those days????)

this topic IMO has relevance that someone has critisized something that Onza/Dave Butler have organised, where the general public from the cycle show DO NOT know who has set it up, they only SEE what is going on, and Joe has spat the dummy out of the pram by saying its "having a go@ the butlers and onza"????

Joe, AM I RIGHT???? or am i a total tosser????? and i cant see further than your pittyful personality? in the matter of fact, DID YOU actually write the 1st post???? or did someone else write it for you???? ;)

this topic is going no where, and wont go anywhere as it had no direction in the first place. all it had was a vendetta AGAINST Mbuk????? and wheres it got to? 3 pages long and its got no meaning. Joe i would really like you to REALLY really really tell me WHERE in Mbuk does it have a go Mr Butler?????or Onza??????please make my day.


i would like to take this opportunity ladies and gentlemen, to introduce the NEWBIES to the "trials world" and im god damn not suprised people wont turn upto competitions!!!!! OH apart from Tyke Trial that is. 90 odd people at the last event. OH and joe, you werent there to complain (Y):) you should do it more often. (now THAT was a sarcastic finish to a post!)

EDIT: the title in itself shows how much of a self centred person you are and how arogant it comes across:

"Mbuk have reached new heights.....in the words of joe oakley............."

Lets all bow down to prince oakley and his opinions. like another lad has said trials is minority, at the minute its a minority thats never going to have someone else like martin and martyn to take it forward into the future. it does as john said needs by gones to be by gones but it just wont happen, there is too much nitty gritty about UCI and BIU. a perfect world would incorporate perfect people, but the world is full of mixtures NOTHING is ever perfect.

Edited by Waynio
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Joe, AM I RIGHT???? or am i a total tosser????? and i cant see further than your pittyful personality? in the matter of fact, DID YOU actually write the 1st post???? or did someone else write it for you???? ;)

Please take this offensively. Since you seem to enjoy provoking other people how about..

Get off your high horse.. you write such bollocks sometimes that i have given up reading most of your posts, ever since your " i love onza" ooo i got sponsored by koxx "onza are shit". The validity of anything you say is questionable. This has nothing to do with arrogance and your personal issues with joe so just leave it.

One other thing that f**ks me off.. why the hell do you do this..

blah blah blah blah blah blah blah


blah blah blah blah blah

A sign off.. is a sign off. Not a P.S.

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well yes, i was on about danny butler, as that was who he was on about.

and wayne, if you go back to my original post, i dont once say that danny is not a good rider. i used to absolutley love his videos, but, my point about his article was that there is no need to make other aspects of riding sound bad, comps etc.

and also, alot of that article is lies, saying that mountain bike riers are jerky, hop heavy and old school.

He also says thathe is taking trials away from comps, which implies to me that masses of people are stopping riding comps to ride like him. this isnt true!

And again, mbuk say trhat he is at the top level of trials riding. not trying to be nasty here, but he just doesnt know the level. i dont know the level, personally i dont think anyone knows the level.

can anyone tell me what the UNOFFICIAL sidehop record is, or the UNOFFICIAL hook/slap record is?

no, because it is always changing, and someone could be beating it right now.


and thank you spacemunkee, you seem to be the only person who is sticking up for me, and realising what wayne posts sometimes.

Edited by oakley
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Perhaps Danny was implying that there was more to trials than the "Highest sidehop" and "Highest slap/tap"? I've seen a lot of the TGS generation go on to ride bigger than some of the older school riders on here, but I'd still rate the old school riders as being better simply because even if they're 3" down on the latest "Must have" sidehop height, their bike control is way better. So many videos in the proper TGS phase were really shit riding, loads of correction hops, really terrible technique, but just so-called 'big' riding.

Danny did also inspire a shitload of riders to ride like him, and you can't argue with the fact there are a hell of a lot more people who ride street than ride comps. A lot of riders are now doing more technical moves and 'streety' moves now as well, now that the TGS phase has died down a lot, so again people are riding like him.

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Perhaps Danny was implying that there was more to trials than the "Highest sidehop" and "Highest slap/tap"? I've seen a lot of the TGS generation go on to ride bigger than some of the older school riders on here, but I'd still rate the old school riders as being better simply because even if they're 3" down on the latest "Must have" sidehop height, their bike control is way better. So many videos in the proper TGS phase were really shit riding, loads of correction hops, really terrible technique, but just so-called 'big' riding.

Danny did also inspire a shitload of riders to ride like him, and you can't argue with the fact there are a hell of a lot more people who ride street than ride comps. A lot of riders are now doing more technical moves and 'streety' moves now as well, now that the TGS phase has died down a lot, so again people are riding like him.

Would be nice to hear from ashton etc find out how much they actually watch, video wise. You have made a pretty big generalisation. You cant forget about vince etc.. id hardly say they are jerky. But they can pull massive moves and dont need to add in a crank flip to do it.

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Would be nice to hear from ashton etc find out how much they actually watch, video wise. You have made a pretty big generalisation. You cant forget about vince etc.. id hardly say they are jerky. But they can pull massive moves and dont need to add in a crank flip to do it.

by vince i assume you mean vincent hermance? he has been riding for years! i think even before the days of the trials kings. trials didnt start when cls or neil t started! and yes im fed up with this topic/area of disscussion, trials is shit at the moment im sick of riding with people that have to know about the latest "in" vid or deng part etc and im so bored of watching people sidehop walls its untrue!

comps are cool, street is cool. end. its all trials

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