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Just bought myself need for speed carbon, for the computer, and i have installed it fine and gone to turn it on.It brings up the little screen thing that has a picture and says need for speed carbon, then it just turns of and goes back to my normal desktop. I have tryed turning my pc off and still no luck.

Please can some body tell me what it is i have to do to play, because i really wont to...

P.S this is pretty much my 1st real pc game and so i don't know weather it is normal or not.


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I found a system requirements analysis thing...

Video Card

Minimum: 64MB DirectX 9.0c compatible video card (NVIDIA Geforce4 Ti+/ATI Radeon 8500+)

You Have: Intel® 82852/82855 GM/GME Graphics Controller (Intel® 82852/82855 GM/GME Controller) FAIL: Sorry, your video card does not meet this minimum requirement.

Video Card Features - Minimum attributes of your Video Card Video RAM: Required - 64 MB , You have - 64.0 MB

Video Card 3D Acceleration: Required - Yes , You have - Yes

Video HW Transform & Lighting: Required - Yes , You have - No

Vertex Shader Ver.: Required - 1.1 , You have - 0.0

Pixel Shader Ver.: Required - 1.3 , You have - 0.0

... also ....

it says that my CPU speed isnt fast enough..

CPU Speed

Minimum: 1.7 GHz

You Have: 1.40 GHz Performance Rated at 1.68 GHz FAIL: Sorry, your CPU Speed does not meet this minimum requirement. You may want to contact your system manufacturer to get information about upgrading your computer.

Dose anyone know what all this means and know how much roughly it would cost me to upgrade as i don't have a clue what any of this is, it may just be new drivers i need to install.

Thankyou in advance...

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if you have a laptop i'd say your bascially looking at a new laptop.

without a pretty decent knowledge of computers/building them laptops are a real pain to upgrade, and most have cpus soldered in so you'd need to change most of the internals anyway.

do you not have a main computer? weren't you on about dual monitors recently?

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Well i was thinking about going apple for a long while as im into graphic design and listening/editing music. I know they are very fast etc and probably would run how i would like for gaming but, can I connect my monitor to a Mac book, or do i need a very exspensive apple screen?


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Do most games run on a mac (without the new mac add on)

,and let me just be shure, can you deffonatly add a normal screen to a iBook (the same screen as you would use for a desktop), as on the iBook pictures i could not see a port that looked the same as the port on the back of my laptop.....

cheers, and sorry for the late reply.

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iBooks don't exist any more...

And I wouldn't buy any Apple to play games on. In fact I wouldn't buy any laptop at all for games. IMO games consoles for games, everything is very simple that way - There's no need to worry about min specs and changing your computer every month.

But yes, you can add another screen to an iBooks and Powerbooks (Which no longer exist), MacBooks or Macbook Pro's. The bigger ones (15" +) just plug straight in I think, the smaller ones need an adapter that comes with them.

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Cheers, MAC Book was the one i ment.

So i should be able to add my ordinairy (non apple) monitor into the mac book with the adaptor that comes with it...

Yeah, you can do whatever. Mine comes with adapters for a VGA monitor (normal computer monitor connection), a DVI monitor (posh newer monitors) and you can also buy an adapter to hook it up to the TV (via component, s-video or scart) which is pretty useful too.

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