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Frame/bike, Review And Question Thread.


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I read through new members chat today and there are so many “what bike should I get?” topics so I thought why not have just one? Someone may want a new frame/bike, and it’s pretty possible someone has the bike/ frame someone wants, so I guess this topic is kind of a review thread, I have no idea if it’ll work but if it does it will save valuable forum space. So if you have a bike and you want to tell people about what you think of it, then post it here, people will read the post of the bike/frame they are considering or are interested in, and they can go of what others think of the frame or bike or make a choice of what frame they will want to consider through this topic, simple. People can also ask questions about the bike and what it’s like and should hopefully have plenty of replies. No non sense just helping each other, and I’ve seen many post saying that new members never get a chance to do a decent post to get validate and what not, so here you go, make the most of it.

Well I will start; I ride a GU typhoon long, mod. I love it. It is light strong and doesn’t feel flexi at all, the high bottom bracket makes sitting on the back wheel easy, but for natural there are defiantly better frames, it can feel a handful on natural, and a proper bash would be beneficial in comps. Street is different however, taps are easy on it and gaps are nice too, I’m afraid I’m not too good on the bike so that’s all I can say.


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Good idea Abe (Y)

I posted a "Forum Improvements" thread a few weeks ago and said there should be something like this so top man :P

I've got myself an '05 T-Mag and it's done me proud !

It's survived three 10ft dropd, countless chainstay/downtube bashings and a gorgeous dent...and it still won't die !

Strong as hell, not too heavy and its an onza so you're not too scared about bashing it.

Brilliant Beginner/Intermediate Bike.

Joel ;)

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  • 1 year later...

I used to ride an Echo Team and the geometry was fantastic and was nice on the back wheel. Mine has three cracks in it but 2 were there when i bought it. very natural feel to the bike which makes it a good allrounder but im not very at riding yet so i mit be wrong haha


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I used to ride an Echo Team and the geometry was fantastic and was nice on the back wheel. Mine has three cracks in it but 2 were there when i bought it. very natural feel to the bike which makes it a good allrounder but im not very at riding yet so i mit be wrong haha


Why have you brought this thread back up?

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How did you find it?

cant say it matters, probably buy using the search engine provided

Nick ( this is also the sought of thread you can add to at any point i would say so its reeet)

Edited by Nickkkkk
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