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hi the other day a was started on by a chav and he came up to me with a gless bottle so a you do i broke his nose . now i am been arested for GBH but would you say it self defence

thanks tear

Edited by tryalltom
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first thing first well done mate, and if i was you i would say he was intimadating you with a glass bottle. The legal defanition for self defense is:

Use of force is justified when a person reasonably believes that it is necessary for the defense of oneself or another against the immediate use of unlawful force. However, a person must use no more force than appears reasonably necessary in the circumstances.

Force likely to cause death or great bodily harm is justified in self-defense only if a person reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent death or great bodily harm.

for the long version look at.......http://www.lectlaw.com/def/d030.htm

Edited by t.w
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yer to be honest i think u would be justified to use your hands against a guy who is holding a glass bottle which could potentially kill you or just cut you up really bad

Good Job in my opinion (Y)

Edited by monty221pr
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although you was started upon by a person with a bottle, did he ever hit you with it? you could be in serious trouble if you dont make it clear that he actually swung for you or something. as the obove poster cited: a person must use no more force than appears reasonably necessary. ask yourself, could you have ran away/ridden off, did you believe your own personal safety was in jepordy or was you mistaken.

im really sorry that someones nose had to be broken in that curcumstance if only you had ridden off from the situation.

my tip would be if any trouble comes your way ride away at the earliest opputunity, a bit retrospective now but bear the above in mind when you talk to your solicitor

Edited by scousertrials
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Prehaps a lawyer might be the best person to ask rather then some trials riders!

Personally I don't think you have posted enough information for us to even give you a genral idea of whether it was self defence or not. However in future be a man and walk away.

Yep, if you want better help from us , well i wouldnt exaclty call it help, more like opinion. But post us exactly what happened.

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thanks for the comennts

if you still want to no . iwas walking waith my gf an this chav waled up to me an thretend we so me an my gf walked of .he went up home and came back down with 10 chavs he was giving me and my gf a load of s**t and he walked up to me so i stud up and he got pushed in to me and he smaked me in the face so i smaked him in the eye .i said i dent want to fight but they dent care .he then went and got a gleass bottle and came at me so i smaked him in the nose as a warning he dropped the bottle an piked up some of the glass and put it in his pocket and came to wards me he put his hand in his pocket to get it out but before he got me with it a uper cut him in his nose and it craked out of place and i walked of.

thanks tear

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hi the other day a was started on by a chav and he came up to me with a gless bottle so a you do i broke his nose . now i am been arested for GBH but would you say it self defence

thanks tear

okay i just looked at your piczo, some things i dont get mate your 13 and got arrested ? and in your most resent post you said he cut you with glass and hit you? you must tell the police that he has cut you or stabbed you, he will get locked up for it and you said your girl freind was a witness so get her to give in a stament.

Edited by t.w
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okay i just looked at your piczo, some things i dont get mate your 13 and got arrested ? and in your most resent post you said he cut you with glass and hit you? you must tell the police that he has cut you or stabbed you, he will get locked up for it and you said your girl freind was a witness so get her to give in a stament.

she dont want to give one we just broke up case he got like 60 chavs after me an she dont want to get stabbed

an have been areested befor but i was only in year4 a ust to live in a rufe area

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she dont want to give one we just broke up case he got like 60 chavs after me an she dont want to get stabbed

an have been areested befor but i was only in year4 a ust to live in a rufe area

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she dont want to give one we just broke up case he got like 60 chavs after me an she dont want to get stabbed

an have been areested befor but i was only in year4 a ust to live in a rufe area

i can tell oyu lived in a " RUFE" area by your imaculate spelling

thanks it not my falt i cart spell so f**k you an i dont live there any more but we were a well respected family

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  • 2 weeks later...
hi the other day a was started on by a chav and he came up to me with a gless bottle so a you do i broke his nose . now i am been arested for GBH but would you say it self defence

thanks tear

well done lol, my advise would to be blame it on elliot and then you are even

hope it helps


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