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Cromer Re-union Ride!


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It's been talked about quite a bit lately, so thought i'd put it up a little early so we can get as many as possible to turn up.

we can arrange the meeting time sooner to the date, o yeah and a date would be good! sometime in the holidays so who ever wants to come just suggest a time and date!

add me for more info - trials_biker_ryan@hotmail.co.uk - 07899084030

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yeh i mean next weds as this is my last wek for coursework so it's going to be some all nighters (N) are you in cromer now? as we could ride the weekend aswell, o by the way you don't by chance have a spare chain lying around do you? mines snapped

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Yeah I'm in Cromer now. Cant ride at the weekend though as I'm seeing my gf/ doing my dissertation depending on how much progress I make. I havent bought any new bike parts for about 3 years so dont have any spares lieing around unfortunately! Good luck with the coursework

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i've been to cromer on summer hols the last few years...

stayed at virginia court where the chef is called danny and knows what a trials bike is..oo aye.

The boating lake ey? Is that next to the bowling green? nice railings there...My favourite place had to be at the end of the big slope that goes down to the beach- could practise hooks on that wall too...lovely..

and they put some funky blocks outside the pier last time i went...that was cool...oh wow!

never saw another trialsing soul though...


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i've been to cromer on summer hols the last few years...

stayed at virginia court where the chef is called danny and knows what a trials bike is..oo aye.

The boating lake ey? Is that next to the bowling green? nice railings there...My favourite place had to be at the end of the big slope that goes down to the beach- could practise hooks on that wall too...lovely..

and they put some funky blocks outside the pier last time i went...that was cool...oh wow!

never saw another trialsing soul though...


ha :lol: Danny is a legend. I used to work as a KP for him about 6 years ago and so did my other riding mate back then. Used to give him a little demo after our shifts, hopping around outside the kitchen.

What time are you lot coming down then? You going to go by train?

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i wont be able to make it to this ride as

1.havint really got the money for the trian fare from gt yarmouth to cromer

2.i need to get back to yarmouth for thursday morning for my lesson

3.i cant get a lift in the morning cuse my mates and parnts are all at work

the only way i could ride cromer wednesday is if some one could hold me for the night

cheers biddle

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11 at the train station

Sounds good (Y) have you checked the train times though? or will you be getting there by other means of transport.

This will be my first proper group ride in three years :o Quite looking forward to it actually, although my riding will suck. Think I'll only be staying out til about 2ish though as I've still got shit loads of work to do for my dissertation. I'll try and steal my dads camera and take a few pics too.

And Dave I would offer but I'll be busy slaving away all day/ night after this ride on the afore mentioned D word.

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Sounds good (Y) have you checked the train times though? or will you be getting there by other means of transport.

This will be my first proper group ride in three years :o Quite looking forward to it actually, although my riding will suck. Think I'll only be staying out til about 2ish though as I've still got shit loads of work to do for my dissertation. I'll try and steal my dads camera and take a few pics too.

And Dave I would offer but I'll be busy slaving away all day/ night after this ride on the afore mentioned D word.

thats ok dude thanks for having a go dude ill try get round someones like ryans ill find out in a bit and if i can

ill get someone to post on my behalf

cheers biddle

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