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Everything posted by j-bonham@hotmail.com

  1. That tool can be made in 5 mins with a old seat tube / bit of bar and a hacksaw. thats what i did about 5 years ago. still going strong!
  2. * No * When it becomes blunt again. * slightly weakens the rim. Not to any extent you'll notice. * You will have to grind our rim about 20 times before you could need a new rim. (so for instance, a grind lasting a month will give your rim a life of neally two years.) thats the worst scinario.
  3. Really nice edit and some awesome riding. (i love them trees that look like a massive pineapple.)
  4. Google is you friend for this stuff... Go out get what you need, and have a go.
  5. Try tweaking the tyre pressure... can make a massive differance! I've used both try-all sticky and maxxis on the back. and can say the maxxis's side walls where definatly more stable/ thicker. But i really can't fault the tryall! Not had a single pinch / rimout yet. And I find it awesome on natty stuff.
  6. The start of this one's pretty funny aswell.
  7. Not much more to be said! both trashzen and ryan leech are superb for learning. You just need to get to grips with the balance point over the rear wheel. Don't be afraid to lean too far back. 9 times out of 10 you'll land on your feet no problems.
  8. Mine did this for a while untill i took the wheel out, pushed the pistons back into the caliper. put the wheel back in and pumped the lever untill back to normal. one pad was still hitting the disc slightly before the other. so you need to pump the brake lever, and push the disc onto the pad that is catching. This will move the other pad further out... and the one that is catching back in. This will centralise the pads. It's trial and error really. If you've understood that you've done well. haha.
  9. Good vid, liked it! i'm just guessing he's come from a bmx background?
  10. I don't run a specific pressure. just carry a pump, and adjust acording to what i'm riding at the time. That's the best advice i can give. Because everyone will be different due to weight and technique.
  11. looking good mate, them snailcam bolts look a touch long though.
  12. Nice, that is one high ass front end! I defo recomend the new 2011 hs33's. Feel awesome, go for the 2 finger lever. much nicer feel / less spongy.
  13. If you allready have tnn clamps? You could file a small amount front the top inner flats where the booster would need to sit.
  14. possibly. have to see with the missus. haha. I want to nail that roof gap... (have to be quick)
  15. Sweet job on the rims. but bugger riding on them... i'd be afraid to do anything big. practically no rim left.
  16. Looks like the exact same tubing from that green rockman proto frame, My link
  17. +1 my magura braided hose felt awesome. although the ally shroud nuts are so soft.
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