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Appley Dappley Macs


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'Ello ello peeps (hopefully those with knowledge of macs & video editing on the things).

I'm going to be getting a new computer soon (once Apple get off their bums and release Leopard), it'll mainly be for regular internet useage and video editing. With the editing I'll be working with high quality footage so I can only assume that it'll generally rag the machine. Currently I'm torn between: 20" iMac or 13" Macbook. Both'll have 2 gigs of ram, the iMac will be the 2.16Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo and the Book will be the 2Ghz.

For the sheer simplicity of it, I'm more in favour of a Macbook. Although this comes with the sacrifice of smaller screen, smaller harddrive and probably an inferior video card. The iMac I can get a better spec for a little more money and have a pretty sweet screen to watch films on when I move out of my current place as I'm not sure if'll both to take the Tv/dvd surround system. But, I can take the Macbook out with me, move it around the place and it's generally alot easier in that respect. But would the Macbook be able to handle the long periods of editing that it'll be getting put through, repeatedly?

I'll be going to the Apple store and asking them about it, but I'd always feel a little uneasy about asking people who, ultimately, see you as a walking pound sign in their store. So that's where you guys come in :)

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I'd go for the iMac, they're pretty much as easy to carry around as the Macbook. Not only that but the screen is absolutely fantastic quality in comparison, a much nicer resolution (provided you get the 20" or 24"), the graphics card is better, you don't have to worry about a battery, the iMac comes with bluetooth built-in whereas the Macbook doesn't. The iMac has 1 extra USB port, both a 4-pin and 2 6-pin firewire connections...the benefits are almost endless... Oh and they're cheaper too ;)

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I dont have much of an opinion, though I would go for the iMac due to the larger screen, but I do have my own question regarding mac laptops.

I have an eMac, specced up fully, and am thinking about getting a mac laptop, either ibook or macbook, as its gonna be sooo much easier to take with me abroad. Ideally I like to do a straight swap for something, as funds are seriosuly limited. My question is, does anyone know any mac places that offer part exchanges or would prove useful to ask?

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wait for the ultraportable macbook pro which has to come along with leopard. everyone wants one. i guess they'll replace the 12" powerbook with something equally small, but more powerful. it will break the bank though!

the thing with the macbooks is the lack of dedicated graphics.. i have edited some video and it's fine, but the imac is nicer with the graphics.. i love my mb though, portable and pretty nippy!

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I've got an iMac and a MacBook Pro and in all honesty the best thing I ever did was buy this macbook pro. It's so useful, I mean I can get a train home from uni and work on the way back, get home plug my power adaptor in, charge, go out for a bit into town chill in a pub/bar with free wifi and get online, can do all sorts of shit with it and its so good. The iMac is an awesome computer and i use mine as a media centre, it has all my music/films on it and its awesome for that, I can also work on it just as easily as I can my MBP, theyre both awesome computers.

Spikenipple, theyre not easy to carry around at all, my 20" is a bitch to move around in the box. The screen quality is pretty similar, my sister has a MacBook and its still nice to work on. The Macbook does have bluetooth built in and the iMac doesnt have a 4pin firewire connector.

Bearing in mind I have both an iMac and an MBP, for going to uni/college id recommend a MacBook, the intergrated graphics of the MacBook wont be that hot when it comes to video editing though and if it's going to be your primary editing machine then I wouldnt recommend it, however if its just going to be for editing while youre on the move then it should be alright.

To be honest if you can stretch your budget to an MBP that would be a lot better if it's going to be your main editing machine, it's just as powerful, if not more powerful than the iMac, if not the iMac will be almost as good.

Sorry that this post is really badly structured, im tired and watching a film.

If youre going to uni/college: MacBook

If you need a portable editing machine just for working on the move, cos you have a primary editing machine at home: MacBook/Pro if you can afford it

If youre wanting a primary editing machine: iMac/Macbook Pro

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Are you a student (or know of any ;))? if so check out the education section on Apple's site, good discounts to be had, IIRC you used to get a better deal logging on from my old uni network that from just saying you were a student, but it was about 14% off new machines!

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I'll be getting my brother to help me out in the student discount department ;) I'm going to be a student in the Autumn but I really wanna get a new machine now and become pretty damn competant with Final Cut!

Thanks for all the replies so far, especially Jon.M, you mac pro you :wub:

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I'd get the laptop, I lug iMacs around most days and they are not portable really, they might not seem that big but trust me, they are not a portable computer. (I'm not convinced the hard-drives like being rattled about either), if you want it to be in any way portable get the macbook, or mug an old person on the way back from a decent bingo win and get a macbook pro!!!

(just kidding, don;t go mugging little old ladies (N) )

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